...and it can't be any of the people I've done already who that's true of either. So at first, I'm thinking porn stars. There's some gorgeous ones I haven't featured yet....but then it hits me: that's stupid, I just did a porn star.
So I went on Gerry Garcia's Myspace. He's definitely hot, but he's not what I was looking for. He is, however, the photographer for Industry Los Angeles -- which shoots the hottest, best pictures with the hottest models. (Although, nobody's told him about Tony Gibble...yet.)
He and Gerry Garcia did a photoshoot for Instinct Magazine. I don't know how much you guys all know about Instinct, but it is THE magazine. I love it, I wish I was subscribed. If I had any money to spare, you bet your bottom dollar I would be subscribed. Anyways, back to Preston...
Now, his face. My favorite part of anyone. There's really not another word to describe it other than "strong". Even his eyebrows just sort of exude this confidence and strength -- which is of course incredibly sexy. His eyes are very intense -- also hot. I don't really need to describe this when you can look, I just like to talk about people's faces. Especially when they're nice to look at like this one is. Strong jawline, strong cheekbones (funny, when I said that about Erik Rhodes, he said that was a new one to him, am I the only person who notices cheekbones?), amazing looking lips.
This is one of those boys where you have to stop and think like...is there anything wrong with him? I mean, there's gotta be something right? Or you think...why don't we have anyone like that around here?
Disclaimer: Pictures were all found on Gerry Garcia's Myspace and on Preston's. I'm waiting for the court summons over my use of them. :P
Agreed! This dude is absurdly good looking. That's the kind of body I want ... on top of me.
Totally agree, Fergie...men who look like that don't happen every day. In fact, men who look that good happen like...once. Ever.
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