Wednesday, August 29, 2007

To no avail....


The drama continues. Cody called me and left a voice mail where he said he thought I was overreacting because he goes to the mall and would have found out the answer to his question anyways.

.....except, that wasn't the issue. The issue was, he lied to me. Like, point blank told me something that was incredibly not the truth. Damon didn't tell him shit, let alone the wrong name of the mall he works at, y'know? That's what made me mad.

So I called Cody back and I told him I didn't care if he knew where Damon worked, that wasn't why I was upset. So then, he leaps to assuming I'm mad because he told Robbie. Because, apparently, people don't get mad when they get lied to anymore? I must have missed that memo.

"RE: Reacting to Lies
TO: Whom it May Concern

This is a company wide policy change, lying is no longer bad and you should ignore it when it happens to you. Tell a few fibs for practice today and then tomorrow we'll see how things go with this policy change.

Thanks for your understanding,
CEO of Humanity Inc."

Did any of you get that one?

Anyways, so I explained in no uncertain terms that I was pissed because he lied to me and for no other reason. He started to make more excuses..."In the future..."
So I had to cut him off, cause I was done with hearing it. "There is no future. We're done."
He didn't sound broken up about it, so I can't count this as being a great loss. Although, I am upset by the whole thing. Like I said before, I don't really know where I stand with anyone at the moment, and without Cody's solid friendship (which was clearly not that solid or this whole lying thing would not have happened to begin with) I'm a lot shaken. Also, he was my best friend...if that's the best I can do for friends, what does that say about me?

In other, more cheerful news...I had some time off of work!!

And classes started and I hate it....

But I had some time off of work!!


Brad said...

Even though you're angry, that was still a very clever post with the memo and all.

Anonymous said...

so, you're upset about starting classes even though one of those classes happens to be with incredible me?!?! and i love you, so you don't need the other silly people ;) see you soooooonnnnnn

Anonymous said...

This lie is nothin' you should be mad at. And you're totally making a big deal about it. I could see us losing friendship over a lie that I told you that I didn't sleep with your boyfriend but did or something. I mean if I was in that situation, I wouldn't care. Maybe because I am such a careless free-spirited person. But in the back of my mind I think the break up of Robbie and Damon has something to do with all of this.

Sh@ney said...

It is my firm belief that friendship will sustain through almost anything as long as it remains true & even times where it seems impossible, an issue can be overcome. Lying is not good from any angle whether it be a small tell tale or not. Being untruthful is a big deal & says quite a bit about ones character. It does very well lead you to wonder what other untruths have been told. But how we react can also make a situation worse than it appears. And we shouldn't jump to conclusions without first ascertaining the motives behind the tale. Was the gesture good at the heart of it? Sometimes people tell fibs to protect those who easily offend & dont want to see anyone unecessarily hurt by something trivial. Only you can judge the severity of the matter, it really boils down to how you feel. Just be sure to give the benefit of the doubt before writing anyone off babe!

kevin said...

Im with Shaney on this one!

I do however totally understand how you feel.

Kev in NZ