Okay, so, where to begin...OMG, you all haven't heard about my life since April 6th! God, do I even remember that far back?
Well, there was Easter break. A long weekend. I did not go home, I stayed with my friend Katie, who I will be living with for the next two years. This was when the whole friends bailing on me thing took place. We also rented the movie Mrs. Henderson Presents, starring Judi Dench. It was AMAZING. I highly recommend renting it as soon as you can!

It was terrific. First of all, it was filled with audience interaction, and being that I was sitting in the front and the whole cast knew me...a great deal of that interaction was directed at me. Ezra put his ass in my face, not that I was complaining about that, Elyse played with my hair during the song "Hair" -- which was shortly before Elyse and Alyssa gave me lap dances. Not long after that, Regina pulled me on stag
Any of you who lived through the '70s remember Hair, I'm sure. This young cast of talented college students managed to make it totally accessible to today -- without actually doing that nude scene I'm sure ya'll are thinking of. Why no nude scene? Because Equus is not a play about nudity or sex. Think about it.
It was just after ushering that I ran back to my dorm, hottified myself, and went to go do my "tour guide" routine. The Occupational Therapy department has this assignment they give out for their students to "leave their comfort zones". To many of their students, one way of doing this that they recommend is going to a gay club. I have taken several O.T. students out with me, and I'm thinking of charging the O.T. department next year for each group I am the "guru of gay" for.
Anyways, one of the straight boys I could easily be in love with is dating one of the O.T. girls I was bringing out, and since he and I are friends he decided to come too. They followed me over to Stallions in their car, we all got out....and I screamed when I saw him.
He had decided that, since he was tagging along, he was going to have his own kind of fun. We cooked up a scheme to see how many people we could convince he was gay. My friends John and Mark helped (because I can't teach someone to be gay on my own, but the three of us...oh yeah, it's like the Fab 5 only with two less people!) It became a huge subject of debate in the club -- and occassionally I still hear people talk about it! No one could decide!
Soon after that was the theater clubs NYC trip. We went out to New York for a day. We were let loose in the city for a while -- the group of kids I was hanging out with went to eat at Bubba Gump's Shrimp Co., then we went to Toys'R'Us.
The following weekend was what we call on this campus "T.G.I.S." Thank God It's Spring if you're an administrator. Thank God I'm Smashed if you actually know what's going on. Friday night was....well, honestly, I can't tell you. I don't remember most of it. I don't like tequila, I do like white sangria, I chug excellently and we will never speak of it again. Deal? Deal.
Saturday I had to work. But I wasn't working for XS, although that's where I was dancing. I was dancing for DJ Seth Gold (a friend of mine), who is doing a tour for Instinct magazine that is sponsored, I guess, by Andrew Christian. It's called the Black Out Tour and if you get a chance to go, GO!!! What a night!!!

Literally within a minute of my getting up on stage, the trouble started. A guy, drunk as hell already, jumped up on the stage and started grinding up against me, pushing me backwards -- into the speaker that's standing behind me. Anyways, I'm pushing him forward, but he's bigger than me and I'm signaling for security with one hand. I did manage to angle him so that we fell over the speaker without breaking it or knocking it over.
Drunk guy gets up and starts dancing on my box again, and security is all trying to reason with him. He's way too drunk for the conversation thing though. Anyways

Thankfully, security got the hint and threw the poor little shit out.
Two dancers, who were awesome as hell, from New York, arrived and joined Austin and I. It ended up a crazy but amazing party that was so much fun!
In the middle of the party, I was in for a small surprise. You may remember James -- the incredibly tall love interest of mine around New Year's? He disappears for a month or so at a time and then reappears. Well, it had been two months and this time I didn't just think I was over him, I knew I was over him. He hadn't crossed my mind for probably a month. Well, he shows up XS, gives me a big hug and swings me around and guess what? Apparently I'm not over him -- and that kind of annoys me.
Speaking of crushes, in the past few weeks things have changed there too. I'm pretty much over Josh but I have a new one that I can tell you isn't going anywhere. I do think there's a mutual attraction, and I think he'll probably still be single when I get back from the summer (more that he has very high standards so he doesn't date often, than anything). Problem? It's the guy who first got me my job at abercrombie. As in, he's kind of my boss (though not really, it's kind of complicated situation there, I suppose.)
Oh, in the midst of all of this schoolwork, partying, and chaos....Katie and I got our apartment and paid our first rent!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!
This past weekend was pretty crazy....I'll tell you all about it soon!!
I'm still trying to get more photos from the Blackout party too, so expect to see more!!
What are all these photos of you at parties whooping it up? I thought you were hitting the books so you could graduate? I expected a long suffering post of long nights a the library, slaving over notes and boring tomes, not dancing half neked with bois who are same! lol
I *have* been hitting the books and working hard, Sue, I just didn't think you wanted to hear about it!!
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