And, actually, poking around, I think I like this more'n Xanga or Livejournal and definitely more than MySpace. (And yes, I've used/do use all of the above enough to compare...it's not that I don't have a life, it's just that I like to write about my life. A lot.) (Self centered? You betcha!)
So...for those of you just tuning in...here's me:
My name is Graham. I've heard the puns and jokes that just went through your head, it's almost guaranteed. If you think it was original, you are more than welcome to tell your joke though. (If it involves crackers of any kind, it wasn't original. :P)
What do you want to know about me? Well, we'll go through all those standard survey questions, I guess...I'm from Rhode Island, but I got to school in Pennsyltucky (Central PA). I'm 19 years old, born June 23 which makes me a cancer on the cusp of Gemini. I'm an actor, and a theater major. I'm determined, some day I will make this theater thing into a career, I'll be successful. I would go so far as to say, I'll be famous. I'm bisexual, although I much prefer men. So that makes me, as I would call it "mostly gay" or "homoflexible". My ancestry is pretty much 99% English, 0.6% German and 0.4% Scottish. I mean, I'm estimating there, but you get the idea. I'm a W.A.S.P.
My life story is generally uninteresting. I grew up in Rhode Island, the son of an actor/real estate lawyer and an author. I have one older brother and two cats. I spent the last two years of high school going in and out of the hospital with Crohn's Disease, and then I went to college. Now I'm in college, and I lead what is, to me, an eventful life. However, from another person's perspective I'm sure it seems highly average. In the future, I hope to go to New York, work there as an actor, do some stage, TV, film, and the like. Versatility is the name of the game (and read into that what you will...)
As far as things I like go? Well, myself for starters. I'm a big fan of me.
I love to eat at diners, particularly at the odd hours of the morning like..3:00 am. I like to sleep though, so don't ask why I'm so willing to stay up all night just for a plate of the MoJo Diner's bacon cheddar fries. I will listen to basically any type of music except screamer rock -- if you're gonna call it music, I better not be able to do it. I'm not musically talented at all. Most movies, except ones whose previews kill my brain cells (a la, DOOM and You, Me, & Dupree) will be given a chance to be good. Same with TV shows. I'm very open-minded about entertainment and have a huge range in taste. As far as food goes, my favorite food is ice cream but I have this terrible addiction to Oreos. I need a rehab center. Dead serious.
My absolute, absolute favorite thing ever? PEOPLE. Love them. There's so much variety between everyone, diversity. It's incredible to watch. I love it. I love to people watch, to meet people, to talk to people, to see people, to imitate people.
I guess that's about it for now.
I love to eat at diners too AMAMZING!
Amamzing is totally a word I'm going to use from now on. Don't you hate it when I catch your typos and never let you live them down? :P <3 you!
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