You see, yesterday, I skipped math class. I had a job interview at Abercrombie & Fitch. Funny thing though. It was okay though, I needed the break. We'd been learning about other bases, and ancient number systems, and other things that made my brain leak out my ears. Which, ew at the mental image. Moving on....

Those same people procede to cut us off, which ordinarily would piss me the fuck off. I have terrible road rage, and I would've been cursing up a storm at that. Except for one thing. They're license plate. It had the inmistakable waves on it. I, in Central Bumfuck Pennsylvania, and been cut off by one of my own people! I was ecstatic!

We went up the escalator and, of course, stopped in Abercrombie (hot employees, obvi!!) Plus, y'know, my interview, which wasn't for a while yet. So then we went into H&M, and then into Victoria's Secret because Jess needed a bra. We'd been in H&M long enough though, that I had to bail on her for my interview. Or I thought I did.
Abercrombie does these group interviews twice a week. So I sat down on the couch and waited. No one else showed up, and no manager either. So I went to the counter and casually asked if they wanted me to come back. And by casually, I mean first I watched them goof off behind the ocunter, laughed at them, conversed a little bit, and then asked. Two of them jumped up and ran into the backroom. One of them returned and said they wanted me to come back Tuesday. Fortunately, Western Civ. is canceled on Tuesday. So I agreed to.
My friend Zach, who works there, wants me to work with him and I would love to. Also, I am dying to get myself a nice denim jacket, and the discount on the ones in Abercrombie (which are $40!!!) would be all kinds of famazing.
So Jess and I met up again, continued our oggling of both clothing and pretty people, and ended up in a store called Rave. A woman's clothing store. The employees were friendly, so we chilled with them for a while. This one guy who who works there was clearly hitting on me, but that was fine. He wasn't making me uncomfortable, so I pretty much ignored it and was just conversational.
So, a bit later, Jess convinces me to try on some women's jeans. She picks out a size 1 and a size 3 for me to try on. I relented, and went into the fitting room. I tried the size 1 first.
Jess: "How do they look?"
Me: "They won't go past my thigh and I can't get my other leg in. Who wears these and how long have they not been eating for?"
The size threes fit (barely) so she bought them for me. I actually wore them today. I had to wear them very low so I could breath. But dayum did my ass look FINE. :P
Last night was Amateur Strip Night at the club in Harrisburg, so I took some people with me. At first, I was the only one who was stripping (and I was only stripping because I was being made to because of the whole Mr. Shimmer ordeal). Then one of the other club regulars who pretty much strips most nights anyways showed up, and he ready to go.
Only thing is, we needed three contestants. So we spent the rest of the night trying to find one more contestant, male, female, both, neither, didn't matter. No one seemed willing. Finally, at 1 pm, my friend Mario had had enough to drink and we convinced/forced him to participate.
And he won!!!!!!!
So, then we were in the parking lot when I ran into Zach, and he told me I was crazy for wanting to interview at Rave and he was acting like I already had the job. Whatev. But then I ran into another friend of mine, and a bunch of us ended up at a diner. So I didn't get back to school until 4:30 am. At which point, I pretty much passed out in my bed and awoke at 11:30 and got dressed for another day of fun mall adventures.
You see, I had to interview at Rave. This time, my friend Sara came with me. She bought clothes, more than she probably should have, at various stores. I brought her inside Abercrombie, which made her feel dirty.
And then it came time for my interview. I went into Rave. And Jon, the guy who was supposed to interview me (and had been hitting on me yesterday) was not there. So I mentioned he'd said I could call his cell phone, but he'd decidedly not left his cell phone number. So they gave it to me, and I called to find out why he wasn't at work when he was supposed to be.
And then I found out that I was actually interviewing for an assistant manager position, so the fact that I can call late employees was good. I also related a tale from when I was stage managing of when I went and got one of my actors. They seemed impressed by that. So, hopefully, my job hunt is over. Hopefully. We'll see.
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