Lancaster County is a dangerous place to be. The Amish shootings you have undoubtedly heard about occured her. And then, Wednesday night/Thursday morning there was a murder in Elizabethtown. At this rate, in a few days I will be moving to South Philly in order to feel safe.
Speaking of feeling safe (actually, no, this is a total non sequitor), today is my friend Becky (whom I call Beckydoll and who used to call me Sparky for reasons I still don't know) is turning 23. I feel the need to just sort of announce that. Because I'm cool like that.
Happy birthday Beckydoll! To commemorate your birthday I give you a moose who looks remarkably like me holding a bagel. Oh, took that picture, didn't you? :-P It's okay, cause I love it.

Oh, exciting news? Next weekend, I'm going home to Rhode Island!! I'm so excited. SO EXCITED!!!!
And, well, that's basically all there is to say. Mostly I am supposed to be studying for my math test.
Oh, no, wait. I did neglect to mention something. My job hunt. Remember how optomistic I was?
Well, A&F still hasn't called, neither has the club. You know, that club where everyone knows me? Where I am friends with almost everyone who works in the 18+ area? Yeah, that one.
And to top it off, just in case five weeks of hearing nothing wasn't enough so that I assumed H&M wasn't hiring me, I got a letter from them in the mail. They called my resume "impressive" and said they would keep my application on file and let me know if a position I was better suited for became available. Which is exactly the sort of thing I would say if I wanted to subtly and politely tell someone to go fuck themself. Sooo, I'm still unemployed, and running out of options I might actually enjoy working at.
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