I got in on the train Wednesday afternoon and hung out with Johnna for a while. It was a short but typical Johnna and Graham adventure -- meaning there was lots of unhealthy food and ice cream and we pigged out like the fat kids we secretly are. :-P
She called me earlier today to let me know that she had safely arrived in Memphis. She is opening a new chapter in her life, and I couldn't be happier for her. I think that her blog is going to become an absolutely thrilling retelling of her adventures adjusting to life in the South very soon, and I'm excited to read it. I recommend it to all of you as well.

The picture is of her getting stoned off of catnip, it's the only one I could find of her.
She was dumb as a rock, and scared of almost everything, but she has been around for as long as I can remember and I loved her even if she ran away from me (and everyone else) half the time.

I know the dancer in the scarf, and all I have to say (despite how he's gorgeous and how he's actually a really nice guy) is: how the mighty have fallen.
Then again, making hundreds of dollars for just dancing and having a good time...that's not much of a fall, is it? :-P
Credit to jenniferthomas.org for the picture!
I was at XS Tuesday though, just partying before I left, and here's two pictures from that:

Anyways, today (yesterday...) is Thanksgiving, so here's a list of things I'm thankful for:
1) Memories. Moonlight was just a cat, but I she's in so many memories I have and I find myself suddenly grateful for each and every one of those. I'm even more grateful for all of the time Johnna and I have spent together. I'm also grateful for the times Johnna and Moonlight have spent together:
2) Johnna. She is the best friend I could ever ask for, and she been with me at the absolute lowest, hardest points in my life when no one else was. I've made her a promise that when she gets married I will have Jimmy Buffett at her wedding, but I would get Jesus Christ himself there if she wanted. I know, he's dead. But I would work miracles for this girl.
3) My health. There were times when I didn't have that, and right now I'm both healthy and happy and I appreciate it so much.
4) Employment. It was a long and difficult journey getting a real job with a steady paycheck, and I'm so grateful to Zach for hiring me. He's really a good friend, even if we don't know each other too well yet.
5) The Internet. I don't know what I'd do without it.
6) My family. They love me no matter what. Even though I complain about them a lot, they really mean so much to me and I am fortunate enough that they support me in everything. Although, I haven't told them about my go-go dancing...
7) All of my other friends. I am blessed with popularity. I love all of the amazing people who surround me in my every day life and my online life, and I can't imagine what my life would be like without all of these wonderful people. These wonderful people, of course, including all of you.
The list could go on and on and on forever. But it's about time for my beauty sleep. As evidenced by those atrocious bags under my eyes in that picture, I clearly need it.
I love you Graham...CJ's over my shoulder and he loves you too...Huge Hugs from elvisland!
Sorry to hear abut your Moggie...My "Sheekah" will leave me one day soon no doubt and I will miss her company...
hugs mister....
P.s Sorry to hear the weather is miserable!
Post a link to the article when it comes out!
Just wanted to say that you are one of the people I am thankful that I have gotten to know this year!
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