And then, after a rather sharp (and badly handled) turn on a back road I have to drive on, the rattling started. Thudthudthudthudthudthud. The car vibrated, worse and worse as I kept driving. Moronic as I am, I kept driving.
Finally, on a straight stretch of highway that I didn't realize was actually a bridge until I had already pulled over, I stopped to see what the hell was going on.
I had blown a tire. I'm thinking "Great, this is an omen...tonight's gonna suck, I shouldn't go!"
But instead, I called Cody to see where he was. He was at Josh's house, which is not too far from the club (and I was like a ten-fifteen minute drive from the club) and, since Josh works for AAA, they heroically came to my rescue.

(The picture is of myself, the other go-go boys and a drag

Anyways, I realized later in the night that I had forgotten my overnight bag for the rest of the weekend's adventures...
At the end of the night, Cody, Josh, and I convinced Jason to come on down to Maryland with us for a shopping spree with our friend Brendan (who is quite wealthy). He agreed, and Cody told him it would be better if we left my car at the club (to avoid extra driving on the spare that got put on) and if he drove.
Jason, as it turns out, is a really awesome and super cool and very interesting guy, I'm glad we're becoming friends! He's even able to get me to have a conversation in a car, which for some reason is the only place I'm usually quiet.
So, we got to Brendan's very nice house and he showed us around and then, lo! He opens a fridge full of gourmet-to-go, which we devoured a lot of. Jason and I then provided a bit of unforgettable comic relief:
Jason: "If we eat before we go in the hot tub, won't we get cramps?"
Me: "Only if you're planning on swimming in the...hot tub."
Okay, maybe it is forgettable, but I still remembered so I wrote it down here anyways. :-P
As you might have guessed, we all got swim suits (Jason and I borrowing some of Brendan's) and jumped into the hot tub. Well, not jumped, but you know what I mean.
It wasn't long before Jason announced he was the first one -- and tossed his swim suit onto the side of the hot tub. The rest of us followed suit. We spent a good long time all just chilling in hot tub and it was awesome to be so comfortable around all the guys.
Then, Jason and I both being wiped out, we decided to go to bed. We pushed together the two twin beds in the guest room to make a bed that could fit all four of us with a fair amount of ease. Jason and I got into the bed and started to doze off....when Josh and Cody jumped on us!!! They stayed up a while talking loudly and obnoxiously and then I was asleep and Lord knows what else happened.
The next day we went shopping!! Our friends Adam and Jeff joined us as well. Brendan insisted on paying for everything...and we collectively cost him $1500 dollars!!! WOW! He's one of the most generous guys I have ever met, and he didn't seem to mind much at all.
Then we returned to Brendan's abode and we all ended up having a nap. Or, I did.
Now, I don't intend to talk about sex much on this blog but this was so bizarre for me that I just have to say. You see, all four of us (Cody, Jason, Josh, and I) are laying down on this fold-out couch bed in Brendan's basement while Adam, Brendan, and Jeff danced upstairs (I think they were doing that anyways.)
Now, I'm having kinda weird, pretty sexual dreams. Which, y'know, that happens sometimes. Except, when I woke up my hand was in Josh's pants. His hand was on mine. Josh is my best friend Cody's boyfriend. I sat bolt upright and was like "Wha?" only then noticing exactly how turned on I seemed to be. Cody, meanwhile is laughing. Jason too is awake. Everyone's turned on, but fully dressed.
Apparently, this sort of psuedo-fooling around had been going on for a while, and I'd been asleep for most of it. I woke up in the middle. I guess I was participating despite being asleep? What the hell, I miss all this good stuff. :-P
After that little...episode, we went upstairs, ate, and then had to leave so I could get to a meeting for work at abercrombie in time. I made it, and have been ridiculously busy ever since.
Tonight, I went out to the club to party on their 18+ night. It was pretty dead, but I think that's mostly because people are planning on going out to their HUUUGE pre-Thanksgiving party tomorrow night.
Now, I'm packing for the eight hour train ride I have ahead of me tomorrow to get home for the holidays. Craig and I are talking like we used to, so now I'm not so sure...could we go back to being more than just friends? I think so, he's acting like he does too. Is it a good idea to try again? Certainly we'll lay out different ground rules this time if we try...like how there will be no lunch dates!
(The pictures of me dancing are totally not the best pictures of me, but whatever, they'll do. :-P)
CUTE! Happy Thanksgiving!
Wait until you see the other pictures!
...which, any day now...Cody has to get them to me.
Im pleased to hear that you had such an awesome couple of days. It seemed like you had such a blast.
It was so funny how you ended up in bed with a couple of your friends and were asleep. I have experienced the same thing.
I cant wait to see the rest of the photo's but perhaps i should take a big shot of vodka to calm myself first :p
Have a great Thanksgiving and i hope the 8 hour journey home is cool.
Kev in NZ
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