Friday, November 17, 2006

"Sure, every day the Earth rotates backwards and the skies turn orange."

So, wow. WOW. WOW. For a week that started off so unbelievably badly, things went really well afterwards. Really well.

Tuesday night, a new local club had its first 18+ club. Never one to miss an opportunity, I went not just for the fun of being with friends...I wanted a job. I had heard they were hiring dancers and I've been getting more and more desperate for money. The key detail of a rather eventful was that I did, in fact, get the job. And flirted with a really pretty gorgeous guy (who flirted back). He turns out to be 32, which is out of my usual dating age range...but depending on how the next couple weeks go, I may make an exception. He's remarkably immature for being so much older than me. :-P
By which, I mean, he acts the same age I act. At least, he does when he's drunk.

Now, Wednesday passed by relatively uneventfully. And by that I mean, things happened but I honestly don't remember much of it. I suppose that's not a good sign, although no news is good news, or so I'm told by my mother.

Today was the big one. Tuesday night, I had run into my friend Zach who had wanted me to work at Abercrombie Kids with him when my initial job hunt was going so poorly. He had informed me that he had become a manager, and wanted to hire me. So I went to Park City today, walked into Abercrombie, met up with Zach, and went next door to fill out another application.
I'm starting tomorrow. I couldn't be more excited. I finally have a real job. And a dancing job!

But as if my life didn't get better, there was the weather. It was horrible today. Driving to and from Park City I literally knew where the road was by watching tail lights, because I couldn't see the road due to all of the torrents of rain.
The DJ on the radio said we had "severe thunderstorm warnings, flash flood warnings, and tornado warnings." I jokingly added "and Armageddon warnings."

The joke got less funny when the sky turned orange. I'm still not sure what that was, but the fact is it looked awesome and the world didn't end so I'm feeling pretty lucky about that. I wish I had gotten a picture, but alas, I did not.

Later, when I returned to my dorm from all the rest of my day, my various classes and meetings in the evening, I discovered I had an instant message from Boy-Craig.
"You win."
Now, I don't want to jinx anything, so I won't explain it. I'm not happy, because he's hurting and I wouldn't wish that on him no matter what he did to me. But I'm hopeful, very hopeful.

That sort of reminds me, I did want to ask everyone's opinion on something -- a question that always is rattling around in my head due to being raised on romance novels where people just seem to know they're in does one really tell?
I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I think I'm in love with Craig. I guess it's a possibility. Other people have said I am, though that means nothing. I'm mostly just curious as to everyone's opinions on these things.


Johnna said...

my best friend told me...remember?

TWISI said...

CONGRATULATIONS on the jobs! Will you be taking photos in your uniform and posting? And by uniform I mean the dancers job not the Abercrombie job! LOL

As for the maturity level of a 32 year old...unfortunately most men at 32 still want to be in their early 20's ...but again we all have to go through it.

Now as for simply know my just know!

Have a great weekend and good luck on the jobs!

Grahamburger said...

Johnna, how the fuck am I supposed to remember what I told you? :P Remind me!

Kendall, I don't exactly have a uniform, just sexy underwear. I'll post pictures if somebody takes some.

Johnna said...

I believe when i talked incessantly about CJ for 7 months, you were like, wow you are so in love with him...i didn't conciously notice that i was in love with the best man in the maybe love is a subtle, quiet thing that just hits you one day, one way or another...