You see, I wrote a paper on the 19th century poet Lord Byron today. I have never concentrated on him much, but he does come up in passing whether you like it or not (particularly when you've been involved in the play Arcadia, where he is a central character though he never appears on stage). He always struck me as rakish and I could never understand how it was he was such a womanizer. I discovered some time ago that he's actually bisexual and then I theorized that he was actually just omnisexual -- that he loved sex so much he didn't much care who he had it with. Yet, somehow, in my researching him today all of those presumptions about him seem to have vanished. He's actually kind of enthralling and fascinating...and not absolutely ugly, if the portraits I've seen today are any indication.
As I said, it's been a very Kate & Leopold day.
Anyways, the actual Pretty Person of the Week is the third porn star whose blog I read regularly. Yes, that's right, Jason Ridge!

Jason is another one where I could go on and on and on about him, his physical beauty, his personality...which I could do about pretty much anyone I post as a pretty person of the week...but I think I'm just going to give you a few more pictures and call it a post.

what a hot guy....damn! lol.. thanks for the honor. I will try to uphold it until next week. Thanks for reading...
Very very nice pic.
He gets full marks from me.
Kev in NZ
cj got all nervous when he saw your post about ridge...i think it was the clever ass shot that did it...
Thanks for your comments. I did indeed have an awesome time in New York. You must must must go and see Hairspray. You will love it. If i'd know that you hadnt had seen it, I would have sorted out a ticket for you when i was there in NY and you could have joined us.
As for Hershey's you are so lucky to study right near where it's made. I think i would continue to eat chocolate all the time if i could smell it being made all the time. Perhaps my next visit i will have to visit the Hershey township.
Oh by the way, I looked in Abercrombie while in NY and instantly thought of you. I know you work in the kids store but it's all the same to a kiwi like me.
Have a great day in Penn.
Kevin in NZ
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