It's definitely a step in the right direction for something I haven't been doing terrifically at: taking care of myself. I also took my morning pills today -- it's been a while since I took my pills. I've also written down a to-do list for tomorrow that includes calling my doctor and making an appointment. I've got enough going for me right now that I can't afford to be slacking off and ending up in the hospital.
Another thing improving my mood? Fairview Sue, of course! She did this whole post about how fabulous and unscratched I am and it really brightened my...well, I guess this is still morning since I've only been awake for a couple hours. (No, but since I went to bed at 6 am, I'm really not a waste of life!)
And the comment that our favorite Down Under stud Shaney left on the post was also an ego boost. :)

Anyways, I won't keep you waiting any longer, I know what you want to hear about (or at least I think I do)....last night was....WOW. I know I say that every time I have a weekend or go out for a night, but every night I get surprised at how much fun I have!

Also, Cody found out I was going so he went. As did Brendan, bringing a new friend of his named Joey. Carl was there with some friends of his. And my friend John who I haven't seen since November was there. Codi, who bartends there, was there with his boyfriend even though he wasn't working tonight. Mark was there, Danny was there, Adam was DJing, Will was training the new bartender, Jacki was working the door, Loki was on staff, Ray was doing security, Brenda was checking IDs...all these people I hadn't seen in forever because they work there! All in all, it was amazing to see all of these people!
Unfortunately, there were like 3 people there who I didn't know. They were awesome, but it was dead. It was cool though, we made the party happen.

(This picture is of my lesbian (yes, mine) Margie and I doing our "Just a Little Too Late" faces at each other while the song was playing. Her Lesbian Death Glare has been perfected.)
Worse still, there was drama. Well, apparently there was some lesbian drama going on, but I followed the Treatise of Drama* and stayed the hell out of it. But there was other drama....
Now, I had heard that some of the bartenders and managers from the club I work at had gone to this club and made asses out of themselves and been banned. I hadn't realized that they had gone so far as to ban all employees of the rival club -- which includes me. I understand their thinking here, I really do, but there were some problems with that:
-I hadn't driven, which means I was going to be stuck in the stairwell til 2 in the morning.
-From a business perspective, 11 people from my school came. Most weekends they stay on campus for their partying. Not to be stuck on myself BUT....what does that tell you?
-There were probably less than 10 people there who weren't there in the.
-When I take a night off...I have no other clubs to go to.
Anyways, Jacki talked to Loki on my behalf (after she gave me my five bucks back and told me I had to leave in a really apologetic way). She said she was going to discuss it with the club's owner too, because I have never given her a problem. Which, I'm sure isn't true, but whatever.

*At my school, we have these people called "Peer Mentors" who teach incoming freshmen about our school. Ryan, my "Queer Mentor" taught me about the gay culture when I came out, so we call him that. In return, I am referred to as his protogay. (protoge? It's really very clever. :-P)
*The Treatise of Drama is a (fictional) document written and signed in the early '70s (or whenever) which clearly states that gay men are not to be involved in lesbian drama and lesbians are not to be involved in gay drama. If it is mixed drama, it is fair game. All drama is fair game for heterosexuals.
Margie has THE GREATEST Lesbian Death Glare ever! I love the face you empoyed for your retort, "I am so not taking you seriously." Yup. I love to be right. You will be years of fun!
Im pleased that things are coming together. It sounds like you have had a good couple of days. Dont forget to go for that appointment at the doctors. Vitamin and mineral pills are great ways of keeping healthy and keeping up the energy so stick with them (god, i sound like your mother)
The idea of a queer mentor at uni sounds awesome. I will have to raise the idea of that where i study. I wonder if New Zealand will be ready for that concept yet?
AussieBum underwear are great aye. I have a couple of pairs.
Have a good day,
Kev in NZ
As your notes just confirm my thinking, there ain't no drama like hetero drama!
What? Stallions has banned all employees of XS?!? That is BAD business. Who went there and made an ass out of themself?
I have become a friend to a few Lesbians of late..Seems I can do no wrong by them..lol
And I have to agree Margie has that glare down pat!
Hmm I wanna know more about the cute bartender...Lets hope he shows you his bar & tends to your every whim...Oh that was devilishly naughty of me...Ok I go now...*winks*
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