Daniel Miagany
You might recognize him from his MySpace, which also has a LOT more pictures of him. Those pictures are also really incredibly ridiculously good-looking, so I recommend checking it out.

From his profile, it looks like he's also a dancer. As you guys may have picked up on by now, I really like guys who do that. It gives me a sort of connection to them right off the bat, I think. Plus, it guarantees they have some amount of self-confidence, at least in their body, and that's one of the sexiest qualities you can have.

Hotter still? He's a reader. I mean, I'm gleaning all of this off his MySpace, but still...he reads. Books even. Books I've read, books I want to read, books I haven't heard of but want to read now. :-P And the little prince is one of his favorites? That's SO adorable.
Wide range in taste of music, which is always a good indicator of someone with an open mind. And his taste in movies is EXCELLENT. One thing's for sure, the boy knows what's good.

See, much, much hotter than me, and this is why the post below this one was NOT the pretty person of the week. :-P
EDIT: Don't you love how I couldn't keep my mouth shut and had to come back and edit it so I could talk about him? :-P
Eh. He's alright. ;)
He's "alright"?! Brad, wipe the drool off your keyboard and start being honest...he's drop dead gorgeous. :P
Funny stuff.
Yep, he's gorgeous. Those eyes are killer. The first Pretty Person you posted worked, too, though ;)
Thanks for the pics...
Take him or leave him. I prefer dark haired Latin types. See the ones on my site to see what I am talking about. Not that I would kick him aside if he was all that was around, mind you. ;)
Mike, hands off...you have Pete. Leave some hotties for the rest of us. :P
Sue, I will be more than happy to trade you one of the gorgeous Brazilians on your site for Daniel. 'Sides, he's gay (or so it says)...which is fine for the rest us. :D :P
Wow..He sure is a looker...Thanks for sharing him with us...kisses
The pretty person of the week gets my thumbs up mate!
Of course, the pics of you were better than him though!!!
Kev in NZ
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