Really just the past few days.
You see, Wednesday night I went out for dinner. "I'm going to dinner, I'll be back soon!" I cheerfully announced.
Then I got lost on the way to Friendly's, where I was meeting Don and Bob. Not just once, oh no, I got lost three times.
When I finally found my way, for real, it was dark and it was snowing. I was distracted. So when the light with the sign next to it that says "Left turn yield on green" turned green, I hit the accelerator...
...and then I hit the van.
I'm fine. The people in the van are fine. The guy driving the van was a dickhead, but I think he was like that before the accident.
I got out to see if he and all his passengers were okay. They were. He got out to insinuate that I had intentionally slammed m

So he called the police, and I, in tears, called Don and Bob. I was only a block away from them so I figured they could help me. I had realized that I could not deal with this man -- the true definition of "crotchety old pain in the ass" -- on my own. Honestly, I don't think there is a better candidate for drug testing...skip the rats, just try everything on him. He could at least maybe help out mankind that way, cause I'm sure he hasn't done anything beneficial to the planet in decades.
Seriously, he was acting like the accident looked like the picture there, instead of a minor dent in his van's side door and a smashed headlight (and corner) on my car. It was all very, very minor, not at all the fifty car pile-up he thought it was.
Anyways, it probably didn't help his attitude that after he opened his mouth the first time all of the witnesses who had stopped immediately flocked over to my car to make sure I was okay, and to assure me that it was just a car and everything would be okay. You know, those things the witnesses always say because they're feeling awkward enough without somebody bursting into tears in front of them? Yeap.
Anyways, the cop also got sick of the old fogey, and was really nice to me.

The next day (after I e-mailed my professor and told him I wouldn't be in class) we all went off to Philly so Don could meet his client. Then we headed back to Bob's house. The plan was to get me to my car that night, but we were running late and it got dark and snowed, again.
Except this time the roads froze. We holed up in Bob's house for the night.
Don said the sweetest thing to Bob on the way to Philly, and I want to share it with all of you: "I can't imagine why I wasn't writing your name on my notebooks with hearts in middle school."
Say it with me now: Awwww!
This morning we got my car, I drove back to campus, and made it to my anthropology class for the first time all semester. I forgot to get a syllabus but oh well. In fact, I went to all my classes, called the insurance company, and did a whole bunch of stuff.
And then I got to my room, thought for a second, and realized I am absolutely shit-faced, can't-stand-up-straight exhausted. So I didn't go to work tonight. Which is bad because I'm taking tomorrow off too.
Unfortunately, I msised the Pretty Person of the Week, my audition that I'd decided to go to (thanks to Sue's advice!), and two meetings I had on Thursday. It was all taken care of so it was fine, but it was a little disappointing.
Meanwhile, I was reminded of this thing that I'd done before by Pete I did it again.
Cilian Murphy? Nick Lachey? Yeah I'm okay with this. Really okay.
It's a shame when people have to be like that over a minor accident. I wonder what nasty things he says to his wife when she accidentally burns dinner?
Glad you're okay, babe.
For a start im glad youre ok. It sounds like you have had a hell of a couple of days. I have no idea why people go off the handle like they do. the word 'dickhead' springs to mind.
I hope your car is now fixed.
Im impressed that you have snow over in Philly. I assume it gets really icy and cold there.
Kev in NZ
People can be such shits. I accidentally backed my VW Rabbit into a cab in Syracuse, NY. I'm not kidding you, the paint chip on my car was the size of a piece of rice. He had a tiny dent in his front quater panel. The rest of his cab was a damage disaster. He wanted to settle for cash right there, but I said no way. He was way too busy to wait for the police. Later my insurance company called and he was claiming all kinds of damage to his car. Boy, they had a laugh when they saw the minor chip on mine. They handled him.
So did you get to do the audition?
Considering it's clear we look NOTHING alike, how odd is it we both got Nick Lachey. Is he our missing link?
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