Ignoring the drama that continued and escalated from this weekend, which mainly was unimportant to how shitty these two days were except for that my friends are more nocturnal than I am so I am very sleep deprived...
...or I would be except that I slept through my only class today. Yeah, whoops. You know it's a bad semester when, three weeks in, you're already doing poorly academically.
To make matters worse, the guy who was driving the van I hit is absolutely not cooperating with my insurance company. I don't know if he simply has no redeeming social skills at all, or if he's playing some kind of a game and trying to get something. For the sake of my faith in humanity, I'm hoping it's the second. I'd rather think everyone has some degree of social skills and that people are manipulative and greedy than that someone can exist who is an utter failure at being nice to people ever.
On top of that, I utterly failed to get my car evaluated yesterday so I had to send my dear dear dear friend Katie to do it this morning. She stills owes me a massive favor as it is, from that time when she woke me up at 7 am. Apparently she had an entertaining conversation...
"So this guy must be your husband?"

"Oh, your fiancee!"
"I am *not* engaged!"
"Why are you wearing that ring?"
"Uh, I like jewelry..."
"Well, he must give good head."
(At this point she paused to try to figure out why my abilities at giving head would influence her to do anything for me...)
"Well, he has to be good at something because it sure ain't driving."
(We're still trying to figure out what my blowjob skills have to do with Katie.)
Anyways, he evaluated $2,400 to fix the damages on my car caused by the accident. Lord knows what the insurance company is going to pay the other guy.
I'm making a concerted effort to think the best of this poor old guy, I mean after all I was the one who hit him. It's not really my fault that he makes it so difficult to find any good qualities in his personality, is it?
So I pretty much called mom and gave her two days worth of freaking out and was all like "I can't do college! I need to drop out!" You know, saying those things all college students believe when they are stressed. And I'm still holding by all of those things -- I'm beginning to think college is not for me.
Moving on to the next event, I went and got HIV tested today. Now, I was 99.9% sure I was clean, but I was mainly going to give Carl moral support. His first test. (Our little boi is growing

Yay for good things!
Oh, another good thing? A friend of mine has my future husband Jim Verraros' phone number (well, business card)...and I recently (five minutes ago) discovered that he's single now. Oooh.
Hold on, Jim, I'm on my way to Hollywood! :-P
Yeah, I think I'm gonna stop there and just end on a good note. Ya'll don't need to know the rest of my day. :-P
There is no need to get all worked up here G. These little crises will sort themselves out given time. The insurance co. will check out the other driver's claim. You will get in back synch with school. It will all work out for the best. You'll see.
BTW- If that is a photo of you in bed, you are hot stuff! Nice ass, if you don't mind me saying. ;)
You don't want to quit college. You might wind up being a bitter old man driving a ratty ass van.
I'm just sayin'! :)
Is that pic of the butt yours??
If it is, im on my way over to Pennsylvania now. The flight should take about 22 hours so get the bed warmed up ;)
Well done for your HIV results. Negative results rock!
As for studying, stay with it bro. We all get days when we feel like we should be doing anything but study but it will be worth it. Just keep thinking that you will be earning big $$$$'s after graduation.
The van driver might be a 'difficult' guy but let the insurance company deal with him. That is what you pay your premiums for so let them do their job.
Sounds like you are having a rough time today so i am sending you a big hug from over here in New Zealand.
I hope that brightens your day.
Kev in NZ
That is *so* not me in bed, Sue. I wish. No, I wish that man was in bed with me. :P
Brad, I could never be that crotchety. And apparently his van was fairly new. Also fairly ugly, so we know it could never happen to me. (Maybe the ugliness was just from the dent in the side though...)
Hahaha, Kevin, I'm sorry I don't know who's butt that is. It's kind of awkward to sleep naked like that when you have a roommate.
wow what a week... hope the insurance will cover for most of the damages. Congrats on your hiv results- i know you haven't won a prize or anything...just the satisfaction of being healthy and alive!!-well I guess thats a nice reward right
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