I think this is kind of weird for a boy (at least of my age), and I know this is weird for someone who is in college but....
Sometimes I want a kid.
Obviously, I'm not ready to be a parent. I'm ninteen and I've really only just started to take care of myself (and sometimes I fail miserably at that).
I've known from a young age that some day I would adopt. It's always been that I would adopt, never that I would pass on my genes. My first reason for that was, when I first discovered where babies came from, I was convinced it was far too painful and I didn't want to put a

My reasons have since become a lot more sound. Crohn's Disease is believed to be genetic. My grandmother, for instance, has Irritable Bowel Syndrome (or maybe Irritable Bowel Disease? I can never remember). Some little genetic twirking that went on in my body took the IBS/D and switched it into Crohn's, I'm sure. I know I could never risk putting another human being through the things I've been through with my illness.
I also know that cancer runs in my family, diabetes runs in my family, allergies run in my family...lots of health issues I have so far been fortunate enough to avoid.

So I know it's going to be an adoption. I've known that for a while.
And usually, I think I should adopt an adolescent. Yes, the adolescents in the system are LOADED with problems. But they almost never get adopted and when they age out, they are thrown out with only a little bit of money with which to attempt starting an independent life in adulthood. It hardly ever turns out well.
But (some) little tots are so cute.
When I was volunteering at the Vacation Bible School at my church this summer, for instance, there were these two brothers. Tyce and Berg. Adorable, so sweet. They had a younger brother who wasn't old enough to go to the camp who I met too.
I figured, three of them, who'd miss one? But I behaved and didn't kidnap any of the three. :-P Still, they were exactly the kind of little tyke that makes me think about fatherhood.
I could settle for unclehood too. I am the youngest in my family, but my brother and my various cousins all have yet to have a child. I don't know what is taking them so long, but I wish they'd get on that.

It takes a special person to want to take on the challenges of raising a child. I hope your dream is fulfilled someday.
You could adopt a gay adolescent. I have been working with a group here in CT called True Colors that works with Childrens Services to house gay kids who find themselves homeless because their parents cannot or will not cope with them being gay. I have met some of these kids and they are just sweet kids who happen to be gay but have religious or closeminded parents. They have been raised to believe that there is something wrong with them and that is really sad. It just breaks your heart. True Colors also hires mentors for the kids, which is what I was going to do. So, in the future, you may want to consider adopting a gay kid.
Oooh, that's a really good idea Sue!! I think that may just be what I do!
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