Saturday, February 03, 2007

"Is it still me that makes you sweat?"

So, that whole writing thing I mentioned?

Totally bust.
I'm so out of practice. Are there more than three words for "sword"? (Minds OUT of the gutter! :-P)
Even with Kipesquire's help, I got nothin'. All the doorbell led to was opening the door and finding....nothing. Maybe a note taped to the door that says "Sorry, I would have stayed but the cab driver was such a hottie! I knew you'd understand! Lots of love, Your Muse." But that was about it.

So...I don't have much to talk about. I could rant, I have plenty to rant about, but for once I honestly don't feel like it.

I am excited about how my computer's CD drive randomly decided to start working today. I don't trust it though, we'll see how long this lasts. In the meantime, I reinstalled one of my time-killing devices: Dungeon Siege: Legends of Aranna. I have Dungeon Siege II on here still...I need some time on the magical continent of Aranna, and I haven't gotten Dungeon Siege II: Broken World yet. Don't know when I will get it, but it cannot happen soon enough. :-P
Though as much as love Dungeon Siege and the world it is set in, I have to admit...this scares the shit out of me. Game-based movies are rarely, if ever, a good idea.

How was that whole last paragraph for complete geekery?

I bet my friend Brendan's getting pissed about how often I write in this, since when he started reading it the other day I told him it would be best if he started at the beginning. At the time, it was not part of an evil plot to keep him from catching though, it just might be. ;-)

In further geekiness, I've seen people talk about things they have for their blog that show them how people get there? It's kinda creepy in a sense, I suppose, but I totally want to be able to see that stuff too.

And to thrown in some more movie they know when to let these things die already? GEEZIS! It's old, let it go.


KipEsquire said...

Just "Kip" is fine. :-)

Brad said...

I use Activemeter to track hits to my blog. It's very simple to install.

Sue said...

Lance, sabre, foil, rapier, bayonnet...

Grahamburger said...

Kip, that's fine after you've been introduced. :P

Brad, thanks!! I'm going to go do that right now! :)

Sue....way to make me feel silly. Thanks though. :) (Although, most of those indicate a specific kind of sword and I hadn't decided on a type yet..)

Sue said...

Oh yes and epee. I'll be glad to make you feel silly any time! :)

Anonymous said...

yes, I am totally pissed !!! I have important things to do, but alas, I cannot, for I must read your entertaining ramblings !!!!

Sue said...


Grahamburger said...

Sorry, Brendan...fate worse than death, I know, I know.

Sue, put the thesaurus down! :P

Anonymous said...

I love RPGs. I don't play them on my computer anymore but dang. I used to spend hours on Final Fantasy.