No, sorry, I just have that video stuck in my head for no reason at all.
Anyways, work was...well, bizarre.
It started out normally enough. Andy, Britt, Brad, and I got down to our undies in the office downstairs. Andy gave me this glowing yellow necklace to wear, which totally didn't go with my underwear but it was cool anyways. We went upstairs, said hi to our friends on the way to the stage -- and, of course, advertised our presence. Then we danced.
There was a Yeager (I dunno if that's how you spell) promotion going on. This didn't mean much to me except that there were a hella lot of bright orange island leis around. That is, it didn't mean much until somebody stuck a broken lei in my underwear as a tip! And not just that, he did the pick-up line thing. "We can use it to tie you up later."
"Sorry, I'm not into bondage unless it's fuzzy handcuffs," I told him. Which is a total lie -- not even with fuzzy handcuffs and especially not if you look like him. I mean, he was not ugly by any means, and he had a nice body from what I could tell, but wasn't gonna happen. Not unless I was seriously drunk. :-P
Later a jackass, who was heterosexual (there were a ton of straight people -- guys included -- there!) decided it would be funny to give me, well, quarters.
No, he wasn't all that drunk. He knew exactly what he was doing. He put quarters in my pants -- COLD!! He then reached for his fly and asked if I wanted to see a "real dick". I held back the obvious "I'm looking at one right now" response and simply told him I'd seen plenty of dicks before.
Then he's like "I can't help it, I got twelve inches."
Course you do, sweetheart, and I'm the heir apparent for a Fortune 500 company. So I handed the quarters to Cody and said "You see him again, throw these at him."
One of the perks of my job is that I get to be honest and if you're blatantly an ass to me I can do pretty much anything I want as long as it's not violent. It's kinda really nice.
Then there was the last weird tip of the night.
This guy put seven bucks in my pants along with a white piece of paper. I assumed it was a phone number, it happens sometimes. The numbers always get tossed. So I pulled out the paper to check it and throw it out. Oh no, it's a receipt. From an ATM.
But I didn't see a bank account number, so I crumpled it up and tossed it aside. :-P

I was starving by the time club closed, so I arranged to follow Matthias and his entourage (JJ and Shaun) to the nearest diner. When we got there, the second fight of the night was breaking out inside (the cops, fortunately, were still outside from the first fight), and it was visible from the parking lot. We waited before going in.

Once we got inside, we were assured this was a calm night. Uh...that might not be something to share, just a thought?
Anyways, we were there for a LONG while and it was quite enjoyable.
I think I might be getting a teensy bit of a crush on Matthias. *blushes*
Anyways, my main goal for the week is to figure out my spring break. So far, my plan is this: stay somewhere on Friday night, go down to D.C. somehow on Saturday, get a haircut, go to a party with Don (it's a white trash/Texas themed party, I have no clue what I'm going to wear!), leave D.C. for somewhere else on Monday and spend the week doing homework and partying in the somewhere(s) that I am, and then I HOPE to go to New York City at the end of the week or for the second weekend.
I gotta talk to people and figure this one out cause that's not a very good plan. :-P
1 comment:
I can't say that I blame you for having a crush on Mathias, he's a real cutie pie. ;)
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