Friday, February 09, 2007

"Tell me what you like..."

So, right now I am on hold with my doctor's scheduling office and they have a voice over that is SO bland talking about all kinds of medical stuff, and it's just really funny. I want to call this place and be on hold more often.

Anyways, I'd been having a good day and then I called mom and she went all parental, and we argued, and it pretty much killed the day...except for this whole being on hold thing which is HYSTERICAL. It's telling me all about how their students practice colonoscopies on life-like models right now. Okay, breathe, Graham, breathe. Wow.

As I was saying, don't really have anything to report today. So here's what I want to discuss: crushes.
Yeah, we all have them. Sometimes they pan out into something bigger, but most of the time (for me anyways) it's just a little teeny thing that's ignorable. Sometimes you can tell ahead of time when they aren't going to turn into anything (story of my life :-P).
It's interesting, crushes can be purely lusty, based solely on looks, or sometimes based on personality, most of the time some of both. You can have crushes on people you know, people you blog with online (that's new for me, but whoa! turns out it does happen!), celebrities...anyone. No way to tell who you'll fall victim to next. What is a tendency you've noticed in most of the people you crush on? A certain age, a certain way of speaking, a certain look?

For me, it's a certain level of confidence that tends to get me going. Insecure people turn me off completely. Also, an attractive face will trump absolutely anything else.

So what is everyone's most impossible crush story? That crush you didn't have a chance with. Did you go for it anyways? Did someone else ruin it for you?
Likewise, what is your most successful crush story? How did you meet? How long did you last? Did you think it was one of those times when you didn't stand a chance? This is the juicy stuff, and I want all the dirt!

My answer to "most impossible crush" is going to throw you all for a loop because I'm not entirely gay, you see. And my most impossible crush was on a girl, in high school. As pathetic as this is, I liked her for almost three years: freshman year, sophomore year, and most of junior year. She is still, to this day, the most talented female I have ever been on stage with and she is the epitome of a triple threat: she sings, dances, and acts superbly.
But, of course, she wouldn't give me the time of day when we weren't working together on a show. Sooooo, that went nowhere.

My most successful crush? I dunno if we can call any of them "successes" at this point. I guess I'll get back to ya'll on that one. :-P

Those of you in successful long term relationships are NOT off the hook, by the way. Those started off as crushes, so I expect to hear from you too!


Sue said...

I will tell you about my most disaterous crush. there was this gorgeous guy who was an engineer at work that I would have died to go out with. We all went out Fri. nites for TGIF and he was usually there. On one of those he asked me out! I was so exicted! When the time came for our first date, I drove to his house and went in, and he wanted to do a line of coke to get up for the date. Well, it was over before it started, since I don't do drugs. I set him up with our resident druggie girl who was also very pretty and they ended up getting married.

My most successful crush is my husband, and we have been married for 22 years. :)

kevin said...

Great post Graham.

For me my most successful crush was when i was supposedly straight. I had a crush on a doctor who i worked with at the time. It all turned out that he came out to a few people that week including me. I then confessed to him that i was gay. We spent that whole day and night in bed doing every position imaginable! The crush only lasted a week though (probably through exhaustion)

I have not had any other big big crushes as such but i suppose there were a few when i was at school and the hormones were really flowing!

Confidence and the face are big factors that make me like someone. A good genuine smile also helps. Other than that I dont have a specific type regarding hairy/smooth etc. I have however woken up with one or two people who i thought that i wish i had NEVER woken up with but i was drunk at the time!

Kev in NZ

Brad said...

Justin is by far my most successful crush. The story? "Picture it: Sicily, 1932..."

Naw, seriously, you can read about it here:

Have a great weekend, Graham.

Grahamburger said... least you helped the loserface find someone else who was equally a loserface. You did a good deed, and that's not a disaster! :) Congratulations to you and your husband!!

Wow, Kevin...that' If only my time in the hospital had made doctors such a massive turn off to me! :P
I, myself, have never woken up next to someone and thought "Ew, what was I thinking?" but the thought had come to me much later, usually after they turn out to be, y'know, clingy ex-boyfriend. :P

Brad, I'm glad you caught my hint at the end there cause it was directly aimed at you. :P That is a really cute story...I knew you'd have something adorable for me! :)

Anonymous said...

yo graham
im not being homophobic or anything but... r u gay? is that why there r pictures of men kissing each other?

btw not tryin to be funny or anything.. its a serious question.
