We'll just ignore that he's married to Bot Spice...er...Posh Spice.
I won't ruin this by talking too much, just take a look:

And thanks go out to Jenny, who gave a couple suggestions for today's post...and even though I didn't use them, they were much appreciated. :)

Yeah, he's just unbelievably sexy. I have nothing else to say though -- no fantasies to share, no little-known facts. I do find it kind of amazing that he looks good with so many different hair styles though.
I have to admit I don't get this. Why do gay blogs have more photos of cute guys than a teeny bopper magazine?
I'm actually thinking of writing a blog post about this myself, because I honestly don't get it.
Not trying to offend or anything, just don't really understand. I guess I've never really gotten horny over celebrities, just real-life people.
Yep. He sure is purty!
Have you seen the movie "Bend it Like Bekham"? He's not really in it, but Jonathan Rhys-Myers is and the movie is really fun!
I like him better with longer hair, and I am not wild about all the tattoos, but he is ONE DAMN HANDSOME MAN...
I have always loved that pic of him on his knees, he looks so ready to take..... well u know!
He is one hot man
Threnody, you've just inspired next week's. I'll give you real life, now you asked for it. ;) :P
Sue, I have *not* seen Bend It Like Beckham, it looked cutesie but not good, you know?
And yeah, I already said he's pretty but I agree with all of the rest of you. (And Kendall, I'd much prefer if he were a top. :P)
You'd prefer he was a top? Hmmm. Alrighty then. That's a bit reveeeaaaling...
Blah, you know I have no secrets Brad. :P
Hahah well now I can't wait! My interest is ever so piqued!
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