Let's see, it started out with, on Friday, going to see a dance showcase a bunch of my friends are in. It was a good show, but the afterparty was better.
Then, enter Saturday: started out kind of shitty, but then I went to go to Don and Bob's party. And, uh, got lost. For three hours. But I finally got there! It was mostly a ton of people I had never met before.
One of these people is a big player in Shakespearean theater (and probably theater in general) down in Washington D.C. When he found out I had been given a monologue from Master Harold and the Boys for my acting class, and more that I actually had the monologue sitting out in my car, he insisted that I perform it.
So I did.
And he told me he was impressed, that I was really, really good.
So, anyways, I went and stopped by Shimmer to see Josh before I went to work. Hung out there for a bit, asked him out for a typical dinner-and-a-movie thing (but I'm figuring, not in that order, so it gives us something to talk about at dinner if the conversation dies?), he said to call him tomorrow, and then I headed off to XS.

At the end of the night, I was talking to this one girl and my acting came up. And as it turns out she has all of these connections in the movie industry. Y'know, little people like M. Night Shyamalan. But, oh no, it gets better.
Todd, who started dancing this past Saturday and I, were both among the several people who went to a nearby diner (which was SUCH a nice diner). So he and I are talking and he mentions he's doing this touring show at a theater in Lancaster. We get to talking about theater and then he reveals that he's planning on switching over to film in the forseeable future.
(As usual, Matthias was there and there were lots of pictures taken of us.)
Uhhhh....so that's three industry contacts made in under five hours.
I told my acting professor and her jaw dropped and she got all full of praise. Which is funny because the first time I read any of that monologue out loud she basically said (not in so many words) "That was the worst acting I've ever seen you do."
Guess I improved. :-P
The one disappointing thing was that Josh got called in to work, so no date tonight. BUT he did apologize, and text me a little bit while he was at work. Hopefully we'll get to hang out at some point this week.
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