In other news....cha-chinga!! I still got it.
Backstory on this: there's a boy (isn't there always?) by the name of Josh. He's the hot soda jerk at Shimmer that I've mentioned before. We flirted there at his place of work on Saturday night...just before my car died. And then while I waited for a ride.
Which, ps, I am getting my car back (again) tomorrow!!! Who wants to place bets on what breaks next? (KIDDING! Don't you dare say anything!)
Anyways, although I should have been studying for my Anthropology midterm tomorrow morning at 11, I went out to Club XS tonight for, basically, the sole purpose of seeing him. I dunno, there's this certain kind of butterflies-in-the-stomach thing that happens when we talk that I'm not used to, but that I kind of enjoy.
So, anyways, tonight we flirted. We danced. We kissed....three times, not counting the time he told me to feed him a piece of gum (which, of course, I did).
I'm blushing. I have never blushed so much in one night before in my life. It's not like I was embarrassed, I was just blushing. And I'm doing it again. This is crazy weird.
Part of the attraction, I think, is that aside from being cute, and a sweetheart, and fun...I feel like he kind of gets me. Like, he knows what my job is and he knows that it's a job. Unlike most people who flirt with me these days, I feel like he sees me as an actual person, rather than just a toy to get his rocks off. It's nice. It's new.
Now I'm cautious because, well, as Cody put it so eloquently tonight (just before I threw my water bottle at him): I never get what I want.
I hate how hard and fast I sometimes fall for people.
Very cute. Let your heart take you wherever this is meant to go.
As one who used to fall WAY too hard and fast, I can tell you: just do it. You'll give yourself FAR more agony if you fight it and, if it's repeated bad endings you're getting, you'll naturally toughen up. For now, enjoy those feelings. :-)
i hear you. i tend to fall hard and fast too. i guess, just enjoy it, that's the way to go. it's part of being young ;-)
Falling hard is always a learning experience, just remember that when you fall to always get back up again!
I love the name of American clubs. Club XS sounds great. We have boring names for ours like Boogie Nights, Heavens Above and Cruise!
Oh well!
Kev in NZ
I am going to go out on a limb and tell you to take great care...No one should have to sacrifice more than necessary in the search for happiness...Remember the higher you climb the harder your landing...You are young sweetness...Far to young to combat the perils of togetherness...Enjoy your young days...xoxox Best Wishes
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