It was first grade, St. Patty's Day. For some reason I think it was a Tuesday, although I'm sure I don't remember it that well. We were sitting in a half circle around our teacher and she was reading us some kind of story when suddenly the classroom's computer -- which was not actually near any of us and since I was sitting in the back I can tell you for sure, nobody touched it -- turned on.
She stopped reading. "Who turned on the computer?"
"Nobody," we all said in that second grade unison kind of voice. You know the one I mean. You know you did it too.
The teacher looked around skeptically. "Well, how else would the computer turn on?"
One girl, she was blonde but I couldn't tell you her name, and she was in an obnoxiously green shirt, responded, "Maybe it was a leprechaun!"
Our teacher pursed her lips in what I now recognize as a "I can't believe someone actually said that and meant it" facial expression. "I bet you're right," she said, in the same tone of voice you use with kittens and three year olds when you tell them how cute they are. She went back to reading.
One of my friends whispered to me that he thought she'd put it on a timer so that it would start up and she could get us to think it was a leprechaun.
It was not too long later when the classroom door opened itself. This time it was obvious, even to the teacher, that none of the kids had opened it, because we were all cutting (or in my case trying to cut)* out shamrocks. "It's the wind," she told us.
My friend whispered to me that he thought she'd told someone to come by and open the door and scare us into thinking it was leprechauns.
"She said it was the wind," I whispered back, "How did you make yours?"
Those were the only two leprechaun events that happened that day, although people kept talking about it and waiting for the next one to happen. At recess a number of the kids spent the whole time looking for the leprechaun. Nobody found it. I'll admit, I was a little disappointed. :-P
*As it turned out, this was my introduction to left-handed scissors, which I to this day cannot use even though I am ambidextrous. That is a story for another Monday though.
*shivers* That's one for telling around the campfire.
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