Thursday, March 01, 2007

The Question You've All Been Thinking....

You're probably still wondering which of these is the lie:
  1. I am a member of pretty much every networking site I've ever seen.
  2. I have never broken a bone or been stung by a bee.
  3. I don't know how to swim.
  4. I'm a self-proclaimed seafood snob.
  5. I am fiercely loyal to my coffee shops.
And I have to say, it was really entertaining what all of you said. Most of you got it right, but your thoughts were far more complicated than they needed to be.

I'm from Rhode Island, the Ocean State. I know how to swim. :P


Brad said...

I resent that remark... I have NEVER had a complicated thought in my whole life! :)

Steve said...

Ha! Check that, bitches. I was right.

Threnody said...

Now that you've made me look stupid you can look forward to your first broken bone. Watch out!

Anonymous said...

Ugh. I've sucked at keeping up with blogs this week so I missed playing.

Sh@ney said...

I was wrong...but I still say I am right...If I dont like seafood there must be Are you really sure?...Kidding...xoxox