Moooving on...
I sometimes like to look at the way fans interact with their celebrities. It's amazing just how much it varies. And not just between industries. Just taking a look at the blogs of some of my favorite porn stars, the behaviors of fans are SO different.
(There is an order to this, see if you can figure it out.)

Seriously, morons, the boy has a boyfriend. And honestly, if you're willing to pay that much (or more!) for sex, what makes you think you're attractive enough for it to be worth that amount? Geezis.
Anyways, that's not the point. The point is that I see a lot of this rudeness on his blog. Why? I don't know. He always seems like a sweetheart to the people that don't treat him like a toy. Sure, he cops an attitude if you earn it (and even then, I'd probably give these people so much more attitude than Mason does. He's usually along the lines of "Excuse you, I have a boyfriend" whereas I'd probably be like "Yeah, so, with your face you better add a whole lot more zeroes to the end of that number and pray a lot.")

Anyways, what I've seen though is a lot of respect, but there is still sometimes that sort of "Hey, you must be a whore, please sleep with me?" thing that crops up, mostly in the subtext, of some of his fan's messages.
Which, honestly, kind of disgusting. It's subtle though, tolerable. And Pete handles it really well. But, and maybe I'm just being all conceited here but...what kind of fan doesn't know that Pete is madly in love with his boyfriend? Not like either one of them is hiding it, for serious now.

Jason Ridge is much the same as Pete, in a lot of ways (although he is less open about his romantic life, although I'm pretty sure he's seeing someone? I could be wrong.) Pete and Jason also seem to be near the top of the "compliments" heap, with a higher percentage of "omg your so hot" comments and such than most of the other porn stars. Not that the others don't get a TON of that as well...
(And how about the first result in my Google Image search for "Jason Ridge" came up with my blog? Awesome!!)

But, anyhow, his fans (in general) seem more respectful than any of the other porn stars I've addressed yet in this post.

Then you hit upon Francesco D'Macho's blog. For some reason I can't figure out, he has, by light years, the most respectful fans (unless there's something in the ones I can't read because of the foreign language thing) (some of those fans are so fluent in Italian, it's insane...and probably because they're from Italy :-P). Like, his posts end up being conversations because his fans (myself included, but I tend to be like this for everyone I'm a fan of) are...relaxed and conversational in their comments to him. I'm sure he gets a fair amount of the disrespectful comments, and since he screens them maybe he just leaves them out so no one sees them but...the point is, his fans are so much more polite and treat him like much more of a human being rather than a toy or a tool.
(Ha, and I adore how much my blog shows up in these Google image searches...I haven't even featured Francesco D'Macho and I'm all over his image search.)

So, here's my question: why do fans act in the way that they do regarding different stars? Is it a regional thing? The attitude of the star? Both? Neither? Is it how much you screen your comments and such? Am I thinking into this waaay too deeply?
My other question, and this is the hugely important one: when is Roman Heart going to get a blog???? :-P (SO kidding, guys, I don't want to stalk him. No, really...)
So many porn stars, i'll have to take a look at their sites.
I hope your week is getting better.
Kev in NZ
Membership to Johnny's blog is free.
Iteresting post. Thoughtful and thought-provoking.
Thanks for the mention ;)
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