Let me explain...rumor has it, Club XL was shut down on Tuesday. I've heard a few things, and I don't want to say anything bad that's unconfirmed at this point so I won't go into details. Suffice to say, I think that sucks.

One of the days this week, I can't remember which, I went to see Hairspray. It was awesome, even though I definitely broke some personal rules seeing it. (I always see the stage version before I see the movie, but I have never seen Hairspray on stage.)

On movie night (Tuesday) we watched Eurotrip, which was surprisingly hysterical, and Mommy Dearest. Yes, we are that gay. :-P
Thursday I went to this private beach that my family belongs to with my mother. Just my mother. I half expected it to be excruciating, but it turned out to be a nice time. We went and got ice cream afterwards (which is our tradition). We went home...and within two hours I was sick with some kind of awful cold or something.
Friday. Oh, Friday. Friday sucked. Firstly, I was sick. So I took a lot of medicine before I went to work. I ate a snack, got ready, ate a frozen dinner and was all set to go get gas and be on time for work with no rush. So mom decided I hadn't had enough to eat. And even though I argued and told her I was fine, she refused to listen. So, the twenty minutes I had planned on using to leisurely get gas were spent waiting for her to fix whatever the hell she wanted me to eat. I wolfed it down, because now I was running late and I still didn't have enough gas to get to work. And, this of course, is on top of my deadly cold and heavy medication (which helped very little). Also, it's rush hour.
So I get to the first gas station, the one that's convenient to go to on the way to work. It is packed. I sat there for ten minutes waiting for someone to get their gas and leave, and no one did. So I went to the next gas station, which is pretty much out-of-the-way. I got my gas and then I go to get out. Of course, there's no break in traffic for me to get out the way that easily puts me back the way I need to go, so I turn right instead. I officially have no time to waste waiting.
So I head down the road looking for a place to turn around. I spot a parking lot, right by an entrance ramp to the highway. I turn in, but -- mainly because I am in no way in a suitable situation to be driving, as I'm sure you understand -- I hit the curb. Although it didn't feel like I hit it that badly, as I turned around I felt a little wobbliness. Then I made it out onto the highway and the car begins to violently shake.
So I pulled over, freaking out. I think, I have to get out of the car, and see what happened. So I go to open the door. And an 18-wheeler blows by me, it would have taken off the door if I had gotten it open already. So I freak out even more and call mom. She tells me I have to get out of the car, on the passenger side. So I do. She and dad take both their cars to come help me. Meanwhile, I call A&F and tell them I'm going to be late -- which is not a newsflash since I'm already ten minutes late for my shift at this point. Then I call AAA, of course.

The one lucky break of the day is that AAA and my parents all showed up at once. The tow guy determined that it looked like I'd broken the steering rod and he would have to tow, so mom took me to work and dad dealt with that.
Unfortunately, this leaves me car-less. I helped close the store for the night and mom picked me up.
I managed to go out Saturday night (I was feeling better) by the Grace of God. And by that I mean, Grace picked me up because she wanted to go to Mirabar. It was awesome, packed, but that just meant that everyone was there. Part of this may have been because of the power outage at Avalon in Boston.
So I crashed at my friend Brian's house that night, as I had been invited to go to the beach with a bunch of them. (A beach I'd never been to before!)
Unfortunately, I'm a lot frazzled still. I neglected to bring, y'know, anything for the trip to the beach or to establish a way of getting home. Brian lent me clothes, and my dad picked me up afterwards.
Brian and I picked up Ty at his house, and then met up with Henry and his friend (who I think is named Greg?) and then we went to the beach. There we awaited the arrival of Joel -- who I hadn't met before.
Somewhere during the day, Mike, Neil, and Eric and a bunch of others showed up and their group sort of melded into ours. Later on, a group of guys -- including two of the most spectacularly gorgeous men I have ever seen in person (who were, of course, a couple, just my luck :-P). One of them, Billy, who I got talking to...I promise you...divine. And, on top of that? Did not seem to have an attitude. What are the chances, right? So it was awesome meeting them.

So at this point, I am finally relaxing in my own bed....and observing the various burned places on my body. My feet. My shins. My arms. My shouders. My back. My abdomen. My face. Fortunately, my lower back and my ass are fine so I can at least sit down.
Loved Hairspray - the movie...Never saw it on the stage though I am sure it was brilliant...And Die Hard 4? I think is the newest of the series! And I also loved them all...Hope your looking after yourself young man...I would be disappointed if you were not eating well & taking it easy...We all know how much of a "party boy' you are! xox
God, your life goes on at such a pace! I can't keep up. I feel like I need cue cards to keep track of all your friends and acquaintances. Sheesh!
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