They're back, and all they needed was a simple little phrase. "Two weeks". As in, the next time I go into work I will be giving my manager my two weeks. I have four applications sitting in my room waiting to be filled out, and I know that the Gap already wants me.
I have some funny anecdotes before I continue...
This one just happened. Katie was telling me about her new word "rapetuous" -- which is when people talk about or watch or engage in rape. Apparently, they're discussing rape in her English class lately so the class is "rapetuous". And she said, everything is becoming rapetuous in her mind because they're talking about it so much.
And then I went to get a Coke. And I opened the fridge, reached my hand in it and pulled out (a Coke). So, of course, I walked out and said "I just went inside the fridge" and she goes "You're so rapetuous!"
Yeah, look your fridge in the eyes now, now that you know how dirty that can be.
Now, going back in time a bit...
Yesterday at the mall, as I'm in American Eagle picking up a job application, I saw a hoodie that I liked and I pointed it out to Cody, who was with me. I went over to it and was like "I kinda like this!"
And he looks at me and goes "I guess if you were black."
Just as three large black men walked past him. Towards the hoodies no less.
The timing could not have been more perfect if I'd paid them to walk in right then.
So, I've been working at Abercrombie & Fitch a lot. Doing classes, which are going decently well. And working at Club XS. I swear that there will be pictures soon!! In any case, here's a video Jenny made of some of the group of friends...and I'm in it! And yay!!
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Bossman Joel said that he didn't need me (his nice way of saying "don't come in") because there's "so much going on", which is his way of saying "you're gonna be distracting, please go away." Honestly, I really don't think I'll be all that distracting next to three gorgeous porn stars, and considering that Chris only works some of the time I'm really the longest-lasting regular dancer the club has so I feel like I should be at the anniversary party, but, hey, I'll do what the Bossman says. And I will only complain about it here. :-P

I see you baby, shakin' that thang!
Just make sure you saw me more than once, because I have a couple cameos in that video. ;) :P
Scavenger hunt!!!
And the bonus question is: who am I dancing with? :P
Ah to be young again! Every thing is new and fresh!
GREAT video! lol
Best of luck with the job hunt. Gotta do what's gonna make you happy...being at a crap job you hate is no way to live.
Oh...and you're a Cancer??? No wonder you're so hot. lol
Yes, Sue, everything is new and fresh...except for my manager, who is old and fresh (as in ripe...and not in that edible way). :P
Tony, the video is all Jenny's (obvi, I have no skill for that stuff. :P) I'm too young to be working a job I hate, and I promised myself a long time ago that I never would anyhow.
I'm on the cusp of Gemini though, and that's why I'm so psychotic. :P
I know who you're dancing with! My question is, who is Jason dancing with?
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