Mainly because of my new heroes: Christian Owen, Blake Riley, Tommy Blade, and Aaron James. Oh, which reminds me, the porn star I was asking about before is JetSet's Aaron James. I asked him. Thanks for all the help, guys. :-P
Anyways, this weekend. Ooooh, this weekend! Let's start with way earlier in the week. I'd been talking to Christian Owen over Myspace about his upcoming appearance. He suggested I should talk to Joel about coming in on Friday...which I planned to do until I realized that Friday night I was working and then I had my friend Kat's "Evil Party" birthday party to go to. I was hugely disappointed I wouldn't get to meet him. Or Blake Riley. Or Tommy Blade (who I'd heard of at the time, but could not for the life of me place. As it turns out, that's because I still haven't gotten to see any of his videos -- not even The Velvet Mafia*.)
So I find out when I get to Club XS on Thursday night that Christian Owen and Tommy Blade are due in that night and will be at the club. Not a chance I'm gonna miss, y'know? Oh, and I hung out with Tony Gibble all night, which leads me to the epiphany I just had: lots of my friends are hot, and most of us get paid for it. :P Back on topic though...when Christian Owen arrived and I saw him, I went over and said hi and he recognized we met formally and then I noticed that his shirt had shinies on it and I got all distracted. I don't know, but I think he has a Bedazzler or something to make shirts like that. I gotta get me one of those.
Then I met Tommy Blade, and somehow my hair color came up and he was insisting that I was not blond. (I am.) So I pointed out that I had like a pound of gel in my hair and he should check the color in the back where there was less product. So he starts examining the back of my head.
Little known fact: if you want me to melt, run your fingers through the hair on the back of my head. You know, like Tommy was doing. Honest to God, Tommy could have been like "Hey, can I throw you into oncoming traffic?" and I would have been like "Yeeeeeeeeeaaaaahhhh."
Oh, and he also said my hair smelled good. Which, with the products I use and the amount of them that were in my hair...I'm really not actually surprised.
And Christian Owen told me about his plans to start producing porn, which I am so excited for. And we talked about 21st birthdays and he described his in as much detail as he could. "I don't remember mine."
After I left the club, after being told by Christian and Tommy I had to come the next night (and having that okayed by Joel), I went to the diner down the street where I am apparently enough of a regular that the owner feels the need to check up on me, and wonders what's wrong when I show up by myself. I guess that's a good thing.
Anyways, I left there a half hour later properly caffeinated and with three mozz sticks I hadn't devoured in tow. I always box everything that's left over now -- no matter how small, it means there's food at home.
I woke up the next morning and soon after headed to the mall. I handed my job application into the Gap and then went to Abercrombie & Fitch where I told the assistant manager that I was putting in my two weeks. He told me he'd tell the bitch -- I mean the store manager. I'm not sure if he did or not, but I feel like he did because she told everyone what a bad mood she was in after he went into the back office with her.
And god damn was she in a bad mood. And god damn was I not putting up with it. The whole day was like a battle of the attitudes, and it sucked. I was in a horrid mood when I left work at 11:30 instead of 11:00.
I just want it for the record though: I love the person who is my manger. I just hate her as a a manager. Does that make sense? Good.

Tommy also managed to find two more of my "spots" before they went upstairs to perform.
And we all chatted about their industry, and underwear, and I'm all inspired to go get myself some new stuff. And I have some money. But I don't own a camera and that's kind of something I need. Especially, y'know, could have used one this weekend.

Jenny wanted a picture of me and Tommy Blade, so she gave me a dollar to tip him. She snapped a picture. And then his fingers curled into my hair and he yanked my head around, grabbed my chin

I know, I know, they were kissing lots of people. That's beside the point, and don't burst my bubble.

So, I started to make my way back into the crowd and Blake invites me up on stage. I've talked about this before: I'm not good at being in the audience. I'd rather be on stage performing. And when I see other people performing I always just want to jump in. Soooo, I hopped up on the stage, and there I am grinding with Blake Riley. And then Christian Owen jumped up behind me. It was a Graham Sandwich on Porn Stars. Hottttttt.
So, I said to Blake "It's so weird dancing up here with clothes on" and he jokingly invited me to put on a pair of his underwear. Or I think he was joking. If he wasn't, I'm gonna be pissed with myself for not doing it. :-P
Anyways, I got off the stage because I know I can't monopolize their time. And Luke comes up and is like "I think the local yokels need to take back the stage. Take off your shirt." So I took off my shirt and he and I jumped up on stage and danced behind them. For the record, it was all his idea, I just gave in to peer pressure.
And on a side note, Luke and I are totally BFFs-in-the-making.
All three of them are great dancers, but Christian was phenomenal and I need to learn to move like he does. Seriously. Also, I need his boots. I know my feet don't go into boots very comfortably but I want his boots anyways.
Anywho after their performance I went downstairs to hang out with them some more and I heard like...orgasmic moaning coming from one of their suitcases. At first I was super confused and then I realized what it was: a cell phone ring tone. I don't know who's it was, but I definitely want that for my phone.
They came down and changed and discussed their next outfits and it was kinda cool, seeing porn stars wandering around naked right in front of me. By kind of, what I secretly mean is, it was all I could do to keep myself from jumping them right then and there.
Blake gave me a kiss when he came down, I guess a thanks for the dollar? I think I should have been, y'know, kissing the ground he walked on in thanks for the dance but whatever. I apologized for only having two bucks and only borrowing two others.
And then Christian's like "The blog you wrote was all I needed, that was so sweet." So we got talking about my blog, I realized Blake didn't know about when I wrote about him, so I told him I would send him a link. Granted, that was from when I first discovered him in June, but whatever.
Then Luke got me a poster for them all to's what they wrote:
Blake Riley: "Graham Keep it hard and tight!! :) Blake Riley"
Christian Owen: "w love Baby Graham w love Stay Real XOXO C. Owen XOXO"
Aaron James: "Sexxy ass Graham muah Aaron AJ James"
And I can't read what Tommy Blade wrote but I'm sure it's amazing. I can make out that it ends in "Tommy Blade" and I think it starts with "Love" but there's stuff in the middle. I'll keep studying it and get back to you.
So shortly after that, I finally left for the Evil Party, an hour later than I had intended to, and without time to stop by my apartment I arrived without my costume. I told everyone "I'm dressed as Abercrombie, isn't that evil enough?" and I had high hopes of getting hammered.
I had to be a DD though, so I just drank Coke. It's chill though.
Tonight I work and then it is my friend Becky's birthday party. Tomorrow is a field trip to Philly for my directing class. Tuesday my radio commercial for my Comm class is due and I have no idea when I'm recording it.
But you know what? I love my life.
I could be wrong (I probably am) but I think I've ascended from fan to friend for these four amazing porn stars. :D And I'm totally seeing if I can get them to perform in Providence for my 21st birthday party. But not on my 21st so I can remember it.
I dunno though. I feel like I talked about myself too much, but then, what else is new? I gotta learn to turn that off. :-P
(*Does anyone else really not find the idea of an actual, literal gay mafia all that far-fetched? Maybe it's because Rhode Island practically operates like a very civilized and non-violent crime know, it's like an extreme of the "it's not what you know, it's who you know.")
Not to burst your bubble on U + UR Hand but I've done the jerk off motion since it began club play too =P
ps. good to see you're having fun
Okay, so there's three of us. Whatevs. :P
HAHA AJ is like one of my friends. ive known him for a while even before he was famous. Such a great guy he is :) I really want to see some of his movies though. that i havent see yet. Hope all is well.. love ya
<3 Brad
"epiphany I just had: lots of my friends are hot, and most of us get paid for it."
How is that an epiphany?
-an illuminating discovery, realization, or disclosure.
......Never mind, I suppose it fits.
What a cool life you have G! You just have to plan to be prepared to strip to your undies when you go out to dance with porn stars! And woohoo, you had someone running their fingers through the back of your hair! That would have turned me on too! HOT! BTW - my dirty blond hair looks much darker when it is wet or has product in it too. It can almost look black. Enjoy your young life G!
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