Wednesday, November 21, 2007

I hate PA!

To start with, I need to give a shout out to my friend Genevieve who has confessed to me -- although there may have been alcohol involved :P -- that she is an addict of my blog. She calls it her "new Pink is the New Blog".

I've been inspired now, actually. Kat, Genevieve...our Pink is the New Blog picture could say "Pink is the New Grahambling"...even though Pink is the New Blog was around first...

I decided, the shitty luck I've been having? It's all because of Pennsylvania. Kick in the ass from God: you don't belong here. Move.

Because I had shitty luck in Pennsylvania all the way until I hit New Jersey on the road trip yesterday.
And I had shitty luck trying to take a rest in Connecticutt too but I don't think that was at all connected to anything. :-P

Anyways, here's what's been going on since my last post....I cast my one act, er "short play". They're great.

Gint is over. It was phenomenal and guess what? My dad snuck down to PA to see it!!

My computer's hard drive died. It got replaced but it's taken me a week since then to get my computer operational again since I'm dumb. I got home, and poof, figured it out. PA clouds my brain, I think.

Because my computer wasn't working though, I am now in danger of failing almost all of my classes and my schedule for next semester is TOTALLY screwed the fuck up.

As far as those issues with the other dancer went....well, nothing's really changed. I'm pretty much ignoring that as a problem. I have enough other issues to deal with than the fact that I make less money than the other dancer. And that certain people who are friends of mine start conversations with me by asking "Where's Will?" or don't talk to me at all because they're so focused on him now....
I know, not his fault. And I'm still being friendly to all of these people. But it doesn't make me happy. Because like, now? Now would be a time when having friends would be nice but even the ones who aren't ditching me don't seem to have time for me. All I need is a good movie-and-ice-cream night, am I asking too much?

I am working on getting hotter still, but the progress is slow going. Partly because I'm exhausted all of the time from this feeling of "What's gonna go wrong next?" because something always does.

Oh? As far as the love life goes? So, I was talking to a few guys (other than James, because as we know, hopeless). And I start going on a few dates (two, to be exact) one of them -- Jeremy. (Too many J names, I know!) He even came to see my show, and awkwardly met my dad despite my best efforts, and things seemed to be going pretty good. I did not, however, allow myself to jinx it by thinking the "b" word ("boyfriend", I mean).
So I must've jinxed it some other way, because he's moved the hell on from me. To a high schooler. Now, I know I'm an age-is-just-a-number sort of guy, but a high schooler over me? I cannot fathom that a high schooler has more to offer. But he says he's "happier now than he's ever been", and who am I to stand in the way of a timeless week-old love? It's not like I can compete with singing "Bubbly" over the phone. Maybe because I haven't made the effort to learn the words because I think that it's a little ridiculous to learn something someone else wrote and use it as a way of conveying my emotions? Sorry if I think it'd be more romantic if that sort of a thing were conveyed in something, I don't know, original?
Anyways, I told him my feelings for him in a way-out-of-left-field spilling of heart and soul (something I have never ever done before in my entire life). And when he found out I'd never done that before he said "Oh" which leads me to my latest conclusion:
I've always been doing the right thing by shutting the hell up.
My friends keep saying that when he realizes that a high schooler, no matter how mature, is incapable of having a serious relationship because of the structure of their life and the changes they're about to go through with starting college and all, he's going to come crawling back to me. Question is -- if my friends are right that he'll come back, am I gonna take him back? I've never been much of one for second chances and I've been right before....

Anyways, to sum it all up: men suck, I'm still chronically single, depressed, and am right that spilling your guts is a totally worthless action. (Unless, apparently, you're spilling your guts through someone else's words.)

Ooooooh, but I have a new keyboard! And it's fun to type on because all the keys are there and none of them stick!

And Katie and I went to DC last weekend (when the whole Jeremy thing went down) and visited our friend Ashley and we went to Apex and it was a phenomenal blast!

Now I'm in RI and I need to hop offline so I can go shower because I'm working at the Dark Lady's Thanksgiving Eve party!!

Oooh, I also forgot about this:

Watch More Videos Uploaded by

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


Brad said...

Reasons to move to Memphis:

You gots the friends here.

One in particular would work on your computer when it breaks. :)

Fried turkey for Thanksgiving.

Sex with minors is illegal.

Take care, sweetie.

Grahamburger said...

Aww, Brad!

Memphis is so not the place for me. It's even further inland than Pennsylvania. I would dry up and die. :P Thanks though!

What does fried turkey taste like? Cause I'm pretty happy with the normal turkey.

Sex with minors is illegal in PA too. I've decided, however, that I'm not vindictive enough to report anything, especially since I don't know for a fact that they're having sex. If I did have proof though, I might not be so nice. But that's cause I'm a bad person. :P

Holtz said...

You and I never dated, so this blog really doesn't warrant a comment. But I thought I should, seeing as how you want to tell people how I'm feeling. Ironic, coming from someone who blogs about using another person's lyrics to convey their own feelings. It may not be original, but it's certainly better than speaking someone else's mind for them. This is my chance to speak for myself. So listen up.

First, I started getting over you during our second date. Harsh, yes, but true. And it's my fault for continuing to lead you on, though definitely not my intention. I told you I'd go to your play and I followed through with my obligation. Perhaps I shouldn't have. Sorry.

Second, love takes time to develop. To assume that I'm in love with someone after a week is preposterous. I'm not in love with him. That's something that may or may not happen down the road. And I've known him for much longer than a week. But you wouldn't know that because it's not listed on my Myspace or Facebook.

Thirdly, I appreciate your concern about situations that may arise when choosing to date someone of a pre-college age. However, I understand that these situations will occur not only in the late teens to early twenties, but all throughout life. Job changes, re-location, going back to college for an advanced degree...all things that can happen at any time. Sure, these events may be more concentrated during the college years, but a relationship is about getting through challenges. I'm certainly not going to date someone just because I think a relationship with them would be easy.

Finally, let me provide you with some comfort. I did not leave you for him. I don't make relationship decisions based on other people in my life. I base them exclusively on what I am and am not looking for in someone I'd like to share life with. If they fit into the picture, great. If not, I've learned not to let it get me down. I realize that the other person may feel hurt, and that part sucks. But you can't take it personally. You're perfect for someone out there. That person just isn't me.

P.S. - We're not having sex, so you need not worry about me breaking the law. You should also know that the age of consent in Pennsylvania is 16, so if we did decide to have intercourse, it would be perfectly legal. Caio!

Sue said...

Gee whiz! I hope you don't flunk all your classes! That would like really piss off the parental units! (How do you like my teen-speak?)

BTW - Loved your video. Super acting and it was very convincing. You can protect me anytime.

Happy Turkey Day!

Grahamburger said...

See, Jeremy, I didn't really discuss your feelings that much so, not really that ironic. Oh well.

Honestly, the best thing to do would have been to tell me you were getting over me when you started to. You could have still come see my show, either way would have been fine. Don't apologize for coming, apologize for leading me on.

When I said "love" I was being harsh and sarcastic, not genuine. I know it's not love. I'm not gonna say yet. We'll see what happens.

Yes, those things can happen at any time but they are concentrated in the college years. And I don't know anyone who hasn't changed entirely when they started college at eighteen. The point isn't what's going on and the challenges, it's that isn't an age where a serious relationship is usually feasible because it's hard to know who you are. Yeah, it's possible. And I wish you luck.

Y'know, the comfort thing isn't something you're real good at. Just something to consider. Maybe a check to help pay for therapy later? :P

PS You gotta learn when I'm kidding. When I say "because I'm a bad person. :P", I'm not being serious. But, at least according to my Pennsylvanian friends (we've had discussions about this, because a lot of them were dating minors when they came to college) 16 is the age of consent, within six years. I'm not saying "Don't have sex" of course, that's up to both of you, but I thought I'd give you the heads up.

Also, kudos. Of the guys I've ranted about on this blog, I think you're the first with the courage to actually comment on what I've said.

Grahamburger said...

As Truman might say:
"Oh, Sue, dearest, I would aid you any time you like. Simply say the word, and I am at your beck and call."

Except for how the only person he calls "dearest" is the Queen. But we're pretending here. :P

Sue said...

Consider yourself tagged with the ten tiny things meme! Time to stop hating PA and get to that meme!