Firstly though, I have to give some shout outs to my friends who I just found out are readers of my blog: Andrew, Bridger, Tommy, Jake, possibly Mike....hi! :D
(PS For everyone reading, you can comment without getting an account on this site. And I think you should. :D)
So, Friday night we went to Town. But usually we go to Towson, we meet up with Brendan at his place, and we go and it's almost all covered by him because, seriously, there is not a more generous guy around. (Plus, the fact that he can spare the money really helps.)
But, this weekend, well, there was an after party after XS on Thursday. (Of course, I couldn't have gone even if I had hadn't to work, thank you classes...) and Brendan ended up having to take care of his friend Dakota all Friday, into the night, because the hangover was that hardcore. So, those of us that usually go with Brendan quickly pulled together a plan for all of us to go down together. Pay for ourselves, and our own beverages (until we each found someone to buy them for us that is), and I was going to tip each of the dancers out of my own wallet as well.

I always tip the dancers, even ones I may not know or like, because I understand how hard they are working. Also, Town doesn't have any dancers who aren't hot. Also, I want them to know and like me for when I start working there (after I've been working out for a while and then audition.)
Anyways, so I went up to the second floor instead of sticking around for the drag show. The drag queens they get aren't bad, but I'm still very disenchanted with drag in general after having dated a drag queen. So I headed upstairs, alone, and said hi to the Brandon and Dennis, since they dance there and I know them.
Then, I headed over to the bar where two bartenders I had previously Myspaced (what? I'm not creepy) were working. Bill and Antonio. And I chatted with them, and got my first Red Bull of the night from Antonio. They were extremely entertaining and just the best bartenders. Did I mention that they're gorgeous as well? So I was stayed over by them until the second floor got a bit more crowded.
At one point, this man came over and ordered a drink from Antonio. The guy was very hot and very clearly in some sort of military. Turns out, he was a Marine. And he was very popular, and I kinda had my eye on him all night.
But, and I know we all saw this coming if we know me at all, he was straight and ended up going home with a girl.
Also on the flirtatious front; this guy I hardcore oggle every week wasn't there (sad face!), and I was totally going to actually talk to him. Also, there was no sign of my Angel of Vogue.
My really good friend Don was there, and while we were hanging out he asked one of the dancers (Jared I think?) out to dinner, so, as far as I know, Don went on a dinner date with a gorgeous and exotic go go boy. Yay for Don!
For myself, I caught the eye of one of the dancers, Aric, who's been my favorite for weeks. And when I say "caught the eye" I mean, he liked the fact that I gave him a large tip (although, due to a miscalculation on my part, it wasn't as big as I had wanted it to be...) He actually came over and talked to me, and we had a nice although far too brief conversation about dancing, and getting spray painted.

So, we left Town after having met way more people than on any of our previous visits, and hit up a McDonalds that was totally overwhelmed. And they put ketchup on my burger, after we asked three times for them to leave it off.
And thus, the others in my car (Jeff, April, Carl, and Damon, I think I forgot to say) witnessed my fast food strategy. Total sweetheart while ordering, total bitch once I have my food.
"You have to ask for it when you're ordering."
"We did. Three times. Get me one without ketchup."
And the cars behind us started honking.
"Uh, uh...why don't you pull into a parking space and I will bring one out to you."
Grahamburger: scaring fast food employees since 1987.
So, Saturday I went to the second and final Meisner Technique workshop. We finally got into character, and scripts and things like that. Seriously, this is hardcore stuff and I definitely learned a lot. I will be using some of that in my acting in the future, and I hope to take some more classes on the technique.

This was followed by watching Coyote Ugly

Katie was seriously sick with flu symptoms the whole time though, so I wasn't just hosting Ashley, I was also playing nurse the whole time I was home. This wasn't that big a deal, but it kinda meant I couldn't like...leave the state. Which had kinda been the plan....(one of these weekends, I'll make it down to Delaware to go clubbing...)
So, after that, I thought I might go hang out with my straight guy friends. It's been waaay too long. I know that being around them makes me a total glutton for punishment (all that I want, nothing I can have :P) but we already knew that. I knew they were doing stuff that night, so I called, tried to find out where they were....but with the drinking and the noise....
Well, two hours later when I found the place, it was just in time to discover Mike, Mike, and Jake all leaving so I gave them a ride so they didn't have to walk in the cold and then I went home and slept.
But most of the guys were at tonight's Superbowl party, which was a BLAST and a half. It was hosted by Crystal and Cara (C&C) -- and really, if I were going to be straight, these would be my dream girls. Other than Gwen Stefani. And then the guys (or the "boiz" as I sometimes like to call them) were there, and all the rest of C&C's friends. And we just had a great time.
Even though the Patriots lost.
On my way home, I was thinking about it. Ever since I found out what a fag-stag was, I've been wanting one. But it dawned on me...why do I need some sort of new different and special relationship with a straight guy when I've got this? I've got a whole gang of guys who don't mind when I hit on them, who freely joke about that time I apparently got super drunk and tried grabbing their junk (I don't remember this, it's really sad), who I can talk fashion to, who I can call gay, who I can have a walk-off with, and who try repeatedly to wrestle me even though they know it will turn me on in all kinds of unhealthy ways, who read my blog despite it's extremely gay content. Like, boo-hoo they don't come out to the clubs with me; do I really need them to? I like their company more than I like most gay guys (although, the gays really know how to party, and even though the boiz' parties are fun, it ain't no gay party :P). So it was a really fun night.
Even though the Patriots lost.
Did I mention the Patriots lost?
I wonder if straight guys go to gay bars because it is easy to pick up women there (e.g.: your Marine). If that is the case, you may be able to get your straight friends to go with you with that argument. Just a thought.
Actually, they discussed this fact last night, and I encouraged it. :P You ever been picked up in a gay bar, Sue?
I have never been to one G.
Okay, time to get you to one!!
This is what I have been trying to tell you!!!
Did you see that Damien Crosse is going to be in Providence on Feb. 23:
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