But that's not what you're reading this for, is it? You are all dying to know more about a boy. And, trust me, I am dying to tell you.
So....I went back to Michael's apartment the other night, like I said I was going to. Soon after I got there, Allison (his friend from the night before) was there. She's very cool. We all sort of sat around and didn't do much of anything, but we had a good time. I guess there was stuff on TV we were watching, but unless it was HGTV all night I honestly don't remember what it was -- so I'm guessing if there was more than HGTV stuff it wasn't all that entertaining.

So, following that, Michael and I went to bed, cuddled, and slept.
In the morning, we both got ready for our days and went our separate ways, he to school and I to Brendan's. He kissed me again in the parking lot which was totally cool (especially since I'm so used to the Pennsylvania atmosphere where man-on-man PDA is a strict no-no unless you want "FAG" spray painted on the side of your car). I won't lie, I may have stopped breathing for a second at that point. Maybe.
At the end of the day we talked, and I ended up going -- surprise! -- to Michael's apartment. He and I watched

So, this morning, we parted ways with a long hug and a kiss that -- I think -- he may have been aiming for my cheek and I was aiming for his lips. Whoops.
I'm expecting two things tonight: 1) I will not be able to sleep tonight -- alone, in my bed -- having just spent most of the past week sleeping with him in his.
2) Our little romantic and super fun fling is most likely at a close. I'm okay with that, I'm mostly glad it happened at all. I mean, if more is meant to happen, it will, right? So we'll see.
I know that he'll be at XS on Thursday, but following that I don't know when I'll see him again.
(Michael wanted me to put pictures of him up, so I got one off his Myspace.)
PS Forever ago was the last time I did this:
And I was only PG-13 then!! I'm growing up! :P
He IS a cutie! If I were your age and homosexual I would do him too! Just what exactly does "cuddling" entail these days? Back in the dark ages, when I cuddled, there was nothing sexual about it. But I suppose that nowadays there could be. Could you enlighten me in an NC-17, blog acceptable way as to the limits of cuddling? Am I pathetic that I am so curious?????
Cuddling isn't sexual, Sue. I think my blog got that NC-17 rating from that "best sexual experience" post a while back.
I mean, cuddling frequently does lead to sexual things, but in this instance it didn't. Although we were naked (because we both sleep naked more than anything), we have been very non-sexual. You know, we're getting to know each other.
And, for the record, this has probably been the most fun of any fling or relationship-esque thing or whatever in my life, and I think that's because we were getting to know each other without letting sex become a huge part of it.
Thanks. Yeah, that NC-17 thing certainly does not take into account photos anyhow. Else my site would be X for sure.
The cuddling sounds awesome. I lovoe that spooning thing.
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