Saturday, March 01, 2008

But your ass is saying something...

I've had a confusing weekend, I mean, emotionally speaking. (Of course, I just now realized why: guess who's having his man period! :P)

So, this week things dwindled at school as everyone geared up for our poorly timed spring break which manages to exactly not coincide with the spring break of any school I know of -- or spring, for that matter.

Anyways, I am more than relieved for several reasons to escape with my friend Amanda to XS on Thursday night. Once there, we were almost immediately introduced to Brendan's compatriots for the night. The first, Jared, is a go go boy from New York state. As far as he goes...he was quite a character, but other details about him are not particularly necessary for my stories. (Brendan would probably disagree, but then again this is my blog and I'm not going to tell Brendan's stories on it. :P) Anyways, Jared was Brendan's date for the weekend.
We were also introduced to Michael -- a tiny bit shorter than me, but gorgeous enough that I am more than willing to make an exception to my taller-is-better rule. (That makes the total number of people who are exceptions to that rule up to 3.) As we talk about the boys, I suddenly recall having briefly met Michael once before.
He had already made this connection. Once again, yours truly is the slow one. :P
Anyhow, I begin flirting with Michael. Subtly at first (well, subtly for me) but more overtly as the night went on. I know, I know, I have a problem being like relaxed when it comes to boys and I come on too strong and just, in general, completely sabotage myself. Which is too bad, because when I'm not actually interested, I'm a damn master at flirting.
But the real master of flirting -- Jason -- Michael also caught his eye. And despite the fact that Jason and I are good friends, he never lets that stop him from flirting with people. (Whereas, if I'm aware that a friend of mine is into someone, I almost always back off.) (Maybe this tiny bit of selflessness is why I never get guys and Jason never has an issue with that?)

After the club, we went to the diner. Where I sat next to Michael, we talked the whole time and shared our food. (Amanda too.) And then we shared our phone numbers -- yeah, I got a boy's phone number!

So I got back to my apartment at 4 in the morning. Slept til 6. Woke up. Brought Katie to the airport. Went back to the apartment. Slept a half hour. Went to class. Didn't have the short story read that we were discussing -- but it's okay, no one did.
As I am trying to kill time between my two classes (my class that goes in between them was canceled because the prof was already on spring break, grr) and calling people. I call Jason, with the intent of seeing if he needed a ride to Town (he was having car issues). Turns out, he needs someone to help him get his car to the shop. I volunteer. So, I head over to his place and follow him in his car to the car place, then drive him back. He gave me a birch beer (OMG I love those things, ps) and soon I was on my way back to school.
Got back just in time for my acting class. Which basically consisted of, "They wouldn't let me cancel class. I marked you all as here. Have fun on break, bye!"

So I went to my apartment. And once I'm there, I get a call from Michael wondering if I want to hang out with him after he gets off work but before we go to Brendan's to meet everyone for Town. I'm totally game, of course, so I get ready quickly and flew down to the mall he works at and met him as he got off work.
Or as he was supposed to get off work.
Fifty minutes later, we left the Nordstroms where he works and went to his apartment where we chilled, ate, and then where he got ready. We headed over to Brendan's (later than we meant to because someone couldn't decide on a shirt...:P) where we met up with Brendan, Jason, Jared and a brand new Carl. Carl is Jared's ex-boyfriend and fellow go go boy who drove down from New York. I don't get it either, to be totally honest. But he was cool.

Jason wasn't feeling well and almost didn't come to Town, but Michael kept telling him he should, so Jason gave in. I think I would've felt bad if he didn't come, since he went all the way down to Brendan's house and then he would've just driven back. Like, way to get yourself all hyped up for a party and then go home and sleep. :P But Jason came with us.

And he and Michael flirted most of the night. Meanwhile, I also flirted with Michael and sometimes it seemed like he was flirting back and other times, not so much. I can't tell with boys anymore.

So, after Town, we went back to Brendan's. Jason got himself set up to sleep on the couch as usual, as Carl and Jared and Brendan disappeared upstairs for bed. Michael and I weren't sure whether or not we were gonna sleep there or at his apartment (which is not far away). Since my car was in the mall, I couldn't up and leave but -- I'll be honest -- I was feeling pretty discouraged by the whole Jason/Michael thing and I probably would have come home and let them have at it if I'd had the option. It was a good thing I didn't have the option, cause I totally would have regretted it.

So, yeah, Michael and I cuddled (and nothing else you dirty sex-addicts) off-and-on through the night, and I don't know about him but I woke up feeling very refreshed. We got him off to work and I got my car and came home where I am now. With no idea what I'm doing between now and when I have to work tomorrow at 12.


A Lewis said...

I believe 100% in men's times of the month. Absolutely!

A Lewis said...

I think it's called MAN-o-Pause.

Brad said...

You? So freaking adorable. It's all that semi-slutty talk.

Anonymous said...

hey :-) so i def. just read your entire blog about this weekend, and it totally helped put some of the missing pieces together that i had forgotten from the alcohol and lack of sleep!! hope all is well, i'll prolly see you around towson soon :-)
~Michael (the boy from the blog)

Sue said...

Gee G! I am living vicariously through you but I need a score card for all of these people. Nothing changes. Ain't it grand being in College???