The director of Arcadia was forbidding the guys to shave, because apparently there is not yet a design for hair, and facial hair is included in that. So we were told: no haircuts, no shaving.
The thing is, facial hair makes me look like a hobo or an addict. And I'm interviewing for jobs. I explained this to my director today, and mentioned that no butlers have beards. No butlers ever have had beards, to my knowledge. Sideburns, sure. Mustaches, of course. Beards, no.
To my surprise and my delight, he informed me that I could, in fact, shave. But I can tell no one in the cast. Fortunately, no one in the cast reads this (I think) so...we're good.
To continue on with the good news, I have pretty much okayed to direct "How Do You Like Your Blue Eyed Boy" in our Fall One Act Festival. For now, that's all I'm gonna say. But wait a bit, because this play is intriguing, deep, and deals with important issues that the media frequently overlooks these days. (Although, there was a time when they kind of took the forefront.)
And, to continue the string of exciting theatrical news, our campus theater club met for the first time this semester tonight. Last year, I was on the club's executive cabinet, but I adamantly refused to serve on it again this year. As per tradition, my role as Club Council Representative was passed on to a freshm--er, excuse me, "first-year". This blog is all about

He's new to theater in general, but he's a male so he'll be invaluable to the theater program (we are distinctly short on men).
By some bizarre coincidence, he is the only witness who didn't know me (and therefore, the only one who found it odd) when I was discussing, loudly, the pros and cons of eating Corn Pops at 7 pm in the cafeteria today. (The Corn Pops were warm, which was weird, so I didn't eat them. It was like they'd been incubated.)
And the last exciting thing is that tomorrow is Friday. I have no 9:30 class, I can sleep in! I get one class, it's in the middle of the afternoon! And then, wonder of wonders, miracle of miracles, I get to begin my weekend! YAY!
Although that does mean that my primary concern will have to become the whole Mr. Shimmer thing. But, y'know, I'm less upset over it. I'm more concerned for Pablo (the current reigning Mr. Shimmer, who I am runner-up to) -- he's the one who's ridiculously flamboyant and going into the Air Force from Pennsylvania. The boy doesn't even a closet, I swear. He's gonna get his ass kicked daily.
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