Especially since he's in Rhode Island and I'm, well...not.
Anyways, I'd not called the guy in two weeks, so I was all proud of that. Except that when I woke up yesterday, my phone told me I had slept through him calling me. So that pretty much had me all fantasizing that he was calling to say how much he missed me or whatever. It wasn't good.
Buuuut, I went to the club last night. Really, I went to get my Mr. Shimmer sash. B

Well, last night was a good night because there was a whole lot of people who are cool at the club and not many people who aren't cool.
As usual, I went crrrrrrrrrrazy on the dance floor. I sweated so much that my hair lost it's fauxhawk and became this...thing. And I hardly ever sweat.
And then I did my thing that I usually do: I found the four hottest guys there and kept making eye contact with them and doing my adorable "come hither" half-smile/smirk. Of course, it pretty much didn't work, I got no phone numbers and I gave none out BUUUUUUT...the fact is I put forth some effort. Probably not as much as I normally would have. But the thing, I had that goal in mind. I count this as an important step in the moving-on process.
(The picture is a ridiculously bad picture of me in Shimmer like ages ago...)
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