But then, sometimes it's totally reasonable that I would be infatuated over a moment like that.
Sometimes boys have manners. They let the guest choose the movie, let the guest have the best seats, they insist on paying and will even offer somewhat valid reasons as to why they should. They treat people with politeness and respect that I haven't seen anything like since I was twelve and my mom was watching my behavior towards my friends like a hawk.
"That'll be 4.50." the woman at the cash register says.
You both reach for your wallets. He's closer to the register, so you say, "I've got it."
"No, I'm the one working. All of the time."
"But it's your morning. I'd be using my parents'," you point out.
He doesn't answer you. He hands his money to the cashier and takes your snacks off the counter. "It just gives me a reason to work more."
You're worth working for.

"We really should call people, see if there's anything going on tonight," you suggest.
"I'm having fun just walking around the city," he says.
I'm having fun just being with you.
Or when a guy, innocent (well, more so than me) and adorable, just asks, shyly, if you might go out with him some time. "I met a guy," he says to you in that voice that clearly says he's talking about you, but to your face, "He's cute. He seems nice. I'm thinking of asking him out. What do you think I should do?"
You smile, you play the game with him. "Well, you should ask and see what says."
He smiles back. He's glad you're playing along, but he knows what that means. It's all the confidence boost he needed -- he's pretty confident anyways. "Do you want to go out sometime?"
You're playing it nonchalantly, but you want to throw a party. I mean, about damn time, right? "Sure."
"Okay." He smiles again. I'm ecstatic that you like me.
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