Anyways, back to The Departed…it was really good. Like really good. Occassionally an actor or actress (and only a couple of them ever did, and not often) and that’s basically my only complaint. If you haven’t seen it yet – do!!!
Unless you don’t like blood, guts, and guns. There’s a lot of that, so this isn’t exactly a movie for everyone.I also saw I, Robot this weekend. Another good movie, but not as good. For starters, I, Robot probably has little to nothing to do with the books by Isaac Asimov, although I don’t know I haven’t read them. They do still have the three laws, which are integral to the plot. And the who-dunnit aspects of the plot keep you guessing right up until the end (unless you’ve seen it before). In fact, there’s a lot of twists. You can’t look away. And most importantly, you cannot be tickled by the person you’re watching the movie with. The movie would have made a lot more sense, I’m sure, if Craig hadn’t tickled me every twenty minutes. The special effects were great, the writing was so-so, and some things just weren’t really explained. Bridge in the middle of dry land? Oh, yeah, but that’s because
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