Friday I was supposed to hang out with Boy-Craig, but his boss....well, let's just say, between the two jobs he works on breaks he pulled a 17 hour day, of work. He was actually awake for 26 hours. That's two hours longer than a full day. So, I was understanding when he decided to sleep instead of hang out with me. In fact, I was kind of glad cause I'd told him that he was crazy to try to hang out with me in the same day (although I told him it was okay if he fell asleep on me).

The picture I'm "borrowing" from my new friend Eddie's Facebook.
My job this summer was dancing at a club in Providence. There was quite a lot of drama that went down after I headed off for school. I had only gotten some people's perspectives but I was missing a key point of view: the Boss Man's. Coincidentally enough, especially since apparently neither one of them have been out to Energy since Halloween and before then it had been a while, Big Bill (the Boss Man) and Chris showed up. I kid you not when I say jaws dropped, it was kind of ominous. And I was nervous, I didn't know how they'd react to me after whatever it was that had happened.
So I decided to suck it up, go over, and play nice-and-not-at-all-nervous. They were glad to see me, and I spent most of the rest of the night catching up with them. I got invited to their Christmas party, which is pretty much guaranteed to be a blast and a half. If I'm back from school yet, which I should be, I am so incredibly there.
And Bill, being Bill, starts introducing me to people as his "son", like no time has passed. He's awesome. He also said if I had a date for the Christmas party, just to bring them and not to even call ahead. That was something I had kind of forgotten, what so great about the people I was around this summer: I really belonged. Before this summer that was something I wasn't used to in Rhode Island. I get that feeling of belonging a lot more at school, though.
Oh, ps, huuuge congratulations to Chris and Bill. They're engaged, with their families' blessings, despite a major age difference and the fact that they're gay. Don't you love New England? That's pretty much unheard of in Pennsylvania -- particularly the engaged part.
The next day, however, is when the weekend got really and truly fantastic. You see, I went to my interview and that was fine. And speaking of which I have to e-mail the reporter like now with some pictures and my resume.
Then Boy-Craig called me to let me know he was out of work and I should meet him at Olive Garden near his work. So I went, found him...and his mother and grandmother! Whoa, surprise! But they were very nice, and I turned on my charms which have never yet failed on a parent. They have, on occassion, been known to make the parent like me better than their own child. Okay, so that was once, but still.
Anyways, I helped Craig back up to go back to his school and then we went there, rented Madagascar and started to watch...and cuddle. We got invited over to his friend's sorority some time later where we watched Mask and then Van Wilder, which was so funny. We all crashed there though, Craig and I in her roommates bed.

We spent most of today talking online while we did homework. Then he called me and invited me over, and I went. I just chilled with him and his fraternity brothers, who are so chill.
We're at a good place right now. We're not dating, per say, because of the distance. Should we both be single at such a time when there is time (like, oh say, a three month summer vacation...which, oh, not too too far away!) to start a relationship, we'll try it and see if what happens. Til then...well, we'll just play it by ear.
But I'm content with that. If it's meant to be, it will be. I don't think we could possibly screw up badly enough to stop it.
Random question: when I'm typing, how can I get an accent over a letter? I know there's a way, but I'm not sure if it requires a number pad (in which case I'm screwed cause of, hey, laptop!)
Whoaaaaaa sounds like you are having a blast. Enjoy it mate.
Kev in NZ
so cute!!!
hey looks like u went crazy
love it love it
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