Then I had to race around doing shit, and then I had to go buy things for my one act -- but I couldn't find anything I needed, not anywhere!
Then I had my one act rehearsal, not the dress rehearsal thank God -- but because Night A of the festival did have their dress rehearsal, we couldn't rehearse in the space. We spent most of the rehearsal wandering around from place to place looking for a good place to rehearse. We never found on, but my actress practiced hitting my actor over the head with the gun so I guess we accomplished something. It was very, very, very frustrating.
So, I came back to my room, all frustrated and in kind of bad mood. So when Boy-Craig IMed me (or did I IM him? I don't remember...), I was pretty pleased -- because, hey, who better to cheer me up, right? Except, no. Apparently, despite my attempts to be charming, the fact that I was honest and talked about my dancing (not a lot, mind you) made Craig's mother hate me.
Of course, if I'd been less surprised to see Craig's mother, it probably would have dawned on me that Craig's had bad experiences with dating dancers before and obviously, mom would know and would be wary. But I didn't ask if anyone else was at Olive Garden, or who, so it's not my fault.
I screwed up, and I apologized, profusely. But the damage was done, and now Craig is all "I don't know, I don't know" second guessing himself again. His mother said I reminded her of his ex. His ex, of course, was dancing behind his back, cheating on him, sleeping around, and all around deserves to be castrated and then thrown off a helicopter into the Sahara. I'm nothing like his ex, which I explained to him. He said he knew...but if he knows that, then why is he letting his mother's comment bother him so much? I mean, I understand being bothered by the fact that his mother doesn't like me, but being bothered by that comment?
Then I woke up today not feeling very good but I got all ready for classes and work. Then I went to class. While I was there, Christine, who I work with at abercrombie, called and told me they were trying to cut hours and that I didn't need to come in. So, yay that. So I came back to my room and passed out until 3:30, pretty much.
I'm still feeling pretty gross but I really need to track down a folding chair.
I just want my weekend back. It was simple, it was spectacular.
oh jesus...and the sad thing is, good luck changing her mind...hoping for the best for you!!!
Brush it off Babe!
Imagine if we lived everyday without the slightest hiccup, it would soon become mundane, it would begin to feel like grounhog day in a world where emotions travelled in the one gear...What is good about a hectic day is sitting back afterwards, taking a deep breath, putting your feet up, knowing you made it through a day like today!...xox
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