(This is muchly owed to eating like three bowls of Kraft Mac & Cheese last night. I'm a fat kid at heart. :-P)
Things are improved. I may be confused, still upset, fantasizing schemes in my mind (all of which, except for the most benign one, are impossible). Still, there is that one...and it is pretty benign. We're working on that one, so I don't want to say too much and jinx it.
Okay, I'll explain it. I'm getting some new clothes. That's my scheme...shopping. :-P
I finally shaved off my sideburns in an act of defiance that really is probably only significant to me at this point, but whatever. The show is over, and Craig thought they looked good. And now they're gone. Bwahahaha! Take that late October/most of November!
Now, I'm going on the uphill slope. After my mope (I always look like Hell the second I start to mope) I'm working my way back to beauty. I got my haircut (although the woman didn't know what a fauxhawk was...excuse me, isn't that your job? :-P), and now I've worked up the motivation to do laundry. Except all the washing machines are full. Uhm, ew that. :-P
In other news, I just found out that my most fabulous of friends Johnna is moving to Memphis the day after I go home for Thanksgiving break. Uhm, what is this bullshit? Just because the love of her life is down there? Psh. The gay of her life isn't in Memphis, what is she thinking? :-P
Shopping and a good haircut...there's nothing better in life to cheer a guy up. Just do the malls and shop!
Do we get to see a pic of you with your new haircut?
Have a great day.
Kevin in New Zealand.
memphis sucks
kidnap here
she will thank you later lol
I'll see if I can get a picture of me with the new hair. It's just the fauxhawk I had earlier this year, but I don't think you guys have actually seen that...hrm...
Good idea, Jonathan...I'll see what she thinks about it. :P
glad you are feeling better. As for Memphis, put a positive spin on it...you will have a new place to visit!
i like kendall...kendall you and i are friends now...vargas, not so much...and also, i believe i shall start a fabulous new blog about a northerner living in baptist freaky people land
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