I guess hatred might be a little strong of a word, but it certainly does irk me a lot.
Firstly, this year V-Day has the same mark against it that Easter has always held for me: that of disease. And not just a little bug, but the kind of illness where you really just want someone to go out and hire Dr. Kevorkian for you and end the pain.
More to the point, Valentine's Day is a stupid concept. It's a day when you're supposed to buy gifts for your loved one, and be all romantic, etc. What makes it so special if everyone else is doing it? Worse, you're not doing it because you want to, you're doing it because this gridded paper hanging on your wall said to. Aw, how sweet, right? I mean, we'd all just be better off dating our calendars.
Furthermore, it's the utter commercialization of the most important emotion a human being can feel. Way to be materialistic, America, as well as UTTERLY shallow.
And you know when I'm criticizing the shallowness, it's time to be scared.
My mother is a romance author. You would think she'd understand where I'm coming from. But no, she doesn't. V-Day is the most important holiday for her industry, so I guess I get where she's coming from. But once more, she's benefiting off of the shallowness and materialism of a people who can't even buy flowers for someone they supposedly love without being told to by a box on a calendar!
You know, it's not even a holiday. The Catholic Church poo-pooed the whole thing years ago, because as it turns out the whole St. Valentine got hung legend is just that....a legend. Now the only memorable event that's happened on Valentine's Day is...right, a bloody massacre.
Just warms the heart.
I think it is sweet for little kids to exchange Valentines. Though, come to think of it, I hated that when I was a little kid. Oh well. Happy Valentine's Day Massacre G!
The fun in Valentine's Day is in getting a little creative with it.
For our first Valentine's day, my former boyfriend and I just booked the day off work so we could spend all day together, something we rarely got to do. Also, it fell on a Friday so I set his stereo to wake us up to "Friday I'm in Love"....It was fun
Now that I'm single it's less fun. But my boss gave me chocolate so it's not a total wash.
I'm sorry you hate the day. Frankly, I don't get hatred of a holiday per se but I certainly understand why people don't like some for various reasons. I do agree that commercializing love is so exceedingly American...and gross.
Aww, Adam, that's so cute!
But like I was sayin', it would be just as cute -- if not cuter -- if you had set his stereo to that one a random Friday.
But, yeah, candy from the boss is never bad!
Erik, I wouldn't say I actually HATE the day, hate's a really strong word and I reserve it for the absolute worst. Yeah, def. gross though.
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