The hottest thing though? His VOICE! Dear lord, a voice like that does not belong in a human throat -- it's divine. One of the reasons for doing him today, the day after Valentine's Day, is because he's forever entwined with romance in my mind. Not because I want to romance him (although I totally would) but because the only thing in my head for my hopefully-someday wedding is that he absolutely MUST sing at it. I don't care if he frikkin' sings "Unloveable" (an amazing song!), he's gonna sing at my wedding. :-P

Granted, it may have had to do with the same reason why I'm forced to listen to him on YouTube, his Myspace, and Yahoo! Music...the fact that I can't find his CDs anywhere.

In the end though, sorry to have put you through all this temptation but he's married to his beau and living in the UK (London, I do believe). That means we are all S.O.L...excepting, of course, that we still get to hear his voice.

I might just give up the wedding dream if I managed to hear him at least once, though at the wedding would be absolutely the best. You know, man I love, friends I love, family I love, me I love, and oh yeah, voice I love too. Works for me.
He is, however, performing in New York at Joe's Pub on March 28, so if you're in that area DEFINITELY do whatever it takes (short of murder, theft, pillaging, etc) to get there. Tickets just went on sale yesterday (Wednesday, V-Day) at noon. I'm willing to bet they're going fast too. I'd totally have a ticket except I sincerely doubt I can get away from school to go see him.
Disclaimer: As usual, all of my photos came from a diligent Google Image Search.
PS Too late. Joe's Pub is already sold out. Whoops.
I lived in the same area as him for a little while...Unfortunately we never crossed paths...I did manage to catch a glimpse of him on one ocassion when he came home to see family...But that was sooooo long ago...He is very talented...And kinda sexy...*winks*
All hail the power of the almighty Google for providing such hot pictures.
Shaney, you saw him?! Lucky devil!!
Doug, you're absolutely right. Without our Gods of Google, I would be completely lost. :P
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