I realized I missed a very important date. And in some ways that's good. But in other ways it's not so much.
I feel kinda like an asshat for missing this. But it's alright. Muse was late too. Only six days but that's beside the point. The point is we had the same excuse: we were living, which is what Jessee wants us to do. We weren't spending the day grieving for her, which I'm sure is exactly what she didn't want.
We weren't grieving, but we remembered her. As we do every day. The most important part though? We weren't thinking of her tragic passing, we were thinking about the lessons she taught us while she was alive.
Oh shit, now I'm teary eyed. It's been like three sentences! Those waterworks...can't get a

I think the biggest regret I have about June 13 this year isn't that I didn't write about her. It's that I didn't log onto Utopia Skye or Yahoo! Messenger at all. Utopia Skye was the online community that she, Muse, and I (and several others) formed out of our shared addiction -- however geeky -- of MMORPGs. I should have seen that everyone else she knew and loved was doing the same. More than that, I should have sent an IM to Al, her fiance. He's a strong guy, but I know how much he appreciates the support we give.
Now, I'm sure some of you remember the last time I talked about Jessee. I won't repeat that story. I have one to share...I just adore telling it.

We learned quickly that this morbid fact was not the only thing we had in common. We had friends in common, online anyways. We had our online games in common. Most importantly, we had dessert in common.
We frequently talked about life -- the good, the bad, and the ugly.
More often than not, we went on adventures. We would create stories about she and myself in our desperate search for the perfect cake. Thus was born the adventures of Jessee the Cake Bandit!!!
Yes, it sounds weird, but remember: both of us were ridiculously heavily medicated pretty much all of the time. It explains a lot.

There was the PB&J fiasco -- one of many where we actually were rivals.
Or there's the entire episode of the thread on the forums that had no topic.
And there was the time we went shopping for new bodies...
And when we tried to go an adventure, but couldn't think of any ideas which led to an adventure in and of itself....
Or the time Jessee tried to get me to play There which was kind of a disaster -- at least for the elephant.
Then there was that time Jessee accidentally got me abducted by evil aliens.
And when Jessee thought my birthday was on June 7th....which was actually good because she got to say happy birthday and she didn't get to say it on the real day. :(
And there was that epic battle of me vs. Jessee over the waffles, a battle which ultimately cost Aunt Jemima and Little Debby their freedom.
And we can never forget that time we made a fairy tale...The King Who Lost His Emu. A classic.
I'm gonna let you guys decide which story you want me to share.
Anyways, there's some pictures that Jessee drew scattered throughout this post. Yahoo! Messenger has a Doodle thing....she loved it. :)
And some other significant pictures too.

Of course, it wasn't a physical place, it was a fantasy dream world....a nice little paradise to escape to. I know that's where she is now, and she's probably brushing her hair, and eating cake, ice cream, donuts, pie, PB&J sandwiches (the way my mother makes them, not hers! :-P) and drinking soda (not pop!) and milk with cookies -- all without gaining any weight. I hope she's also getting a nice swim in between bites (cause I know she doesn't have to wait to swim at this beach, what's the paradise in that??)!
PS Muse, I'm sure everyone would love to celebrate any number of things when the radio is running for MuseCon this year, I hope Spider's recovery will be primary among them. :)
I'm sorry about Jesse, but at least she is pain free. You're not an asshat, because you still keep her memory alive.
Like you, I'm hoping for the best with Spider, and I think about him daily.
You owe me a Matt Damon "Pretty Person" post, though. I so think he's hot.
I agree exactly with Brads comment.
Kev in NZ
Hey hope your feeling a tad better about everything
miss ya thou
First of all, I would never email you. Emailing is for friends and you (and your kind) would never ever be my friend. Since you didin't put a new entry specifically for this debate, I'm replying here.
"How's this then? I'm sorry that you feel offended by my using the word "troll". I did not mean to offend you."
Apology not accepted.
"Uhm, remember what I said about how we're both being immature? I take it back. At this juncture you have far surpassed me."
You say "sorry" for calling me ugly, but in the same thread you accuse me of being immature. Your apology is as real as Cher's face. Or better yet, your apology is as real as the airbrushed cover boys of instunk magazine.
"Have you been to a zillion Pridefests?"
Have you heard of expressions in writing. A zillion just means a lot. I can't believe I have to explain this to a college boy.
"Again, you're LOOKING for the "discrimination" to support your beliefs."
Again, you're blinding yourself to the discrimination that is littered througout the queer community.
"I don't love grading people."
Right. gogo boys never ever do that!
"I do, however, love pointing out when someone is trying too hard to make an argument and fail miserably."
Passing and failing arguments in the mind of cracker the college gogo boy is not grading someone? You contradict yourself in the same paragraph!
"There isn't a connection between Isaiah Washington and what I've said."
He didn't think it was offensive since he even used it in a Golden Globes press conference. You don't think anyone should take offnse since it's just a word. You both don't think faggot is offensive. Still no connection? Is your mind, like a cellphone, out of the satellite coverage area?
"Here's the thing about words though. Your uncle, before he physically attacked you, could have said anything. If he'd said "cheese" and started hitting you, would you be less offended?"
I would find him crazy to say cheese and then to start attacking me. I would think he's as crazy as your paragraph! I can't believe I have to explain why the word faggot is to a gay college gogo boy! I think your insulated bubble has expanded to the size of your ego, which is as large as Jupiter!
"I'm guessing not. The word isn't offensive, and yes, the actions it brings can be but it is the actions we need to act against, not the word."
Shaking my head in disgust and disbelief. A gay guy that doesn't find faggot offensive.
"You keep saying "college gogo boy" like it's a bad thing, but the thing is..."
You're the one that called your job immoral. You're the one that also said you could care less if your job is immoral. So you're an amoral person in an immoral job. And you love to manipulate older, lonely men into tipping you more. And you don't find the word faggot offensive. tsk. tsk.
"consider the number of gay people who never go to college. You're pointing out something that puts me way ahead of the game. I'm glad you're so impressed. :)"
Consider the number of gay people that don't have to publicly degrade themselves and still make it through college. Now those are the ones that are impressive.
"Anyways, as for your stupid obsession with my dancing: I do have another job.....NOW you can cue your frikkin' violin, if you'd like."
Violin players, stage left. Commence playing "Overture of the college gogo boy"
"You can't possibly win that argument, but you can gradually become more immature as you run out of new angles to try (or old angles to reword."
Again, your apology was as sincere as Clay Aiken claiming he's straight. Maybe he should play you in your life story. Since this is a queer blog, like aleksander's, it's a queer environment. So yes I'd expect you to so casually call me a troll/ugly person again.
"As for "cracker", it's *not* a label. It is a nickname."
Right. whatever. feel free to call yourself "cracker", or "i love the word faggot" or whatever else. feel free to label yourself any name with all of its connotations.
"And you know, it occurred to me...cracker is actually a dimunitive term about white people. I'm Caucasian. Why would I be using a term that's racist against my own race?'
Some people I have talked to gladly label themselves as cracker since they are proud of being bigoted.
"His music is prepackaged, yes, but I wouldn't call it "crap"."
Still defending no name guy and his crappity crap crap "music". Well birds of a feather.....
Hey, check out ExNavyMike. He has a new post.
wow...just wow... whoever this fucktard is leaving that shit on a beautiful post about a friend needs to rot. and you are an ugly troll. probably fat, and coked out too. come play with me troll, i'll make you cry
sorry about adding to the ugly graham
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