Monday night I went to Energy when I didn't have to work at Dark Lady and first thing I see? Two girls I went to high school with!!! We chatted a little bit, got caught up...I'm so different now from when I was in high school. I used to be nerdy, definitely not-so-much with the hotness, a total prude, and more than anything I was a people pleaser. I mean, I was so intent on doing what everyone expected of me that I didn't even realize I liked boys. Duh, much?
And now look at me. I'm like the total opposite -- though I'm definitely more me. And people like me better. Let that be a lesson to you. Those Above The Influence commercials are actually kind of on to something. :-P
Actually, Topher knows somebody I briefly went to high school with too, came by Dark Lady while I was working one night. It's always interesting because there's a "What the fuck??" moment. And of course they're always like "I remember when you were 'straight'!" Which, yes, I remember when I was "straight" too, kay, thanks. :-P
Anyways, the girls were mildly shocked when the exchange that's the title of this post took place. :-P

On a completely seperate and very much shallow note: I hate clothes this season. I was forced to buy some stuff from A&F a week or so ago to fit in with this season's key look. The clothes are so blah, and I usually like at least some of the stuff. This season, there's nothing.
Then the other day, I was at the mall and I poked my head into the Gap. Hated it all. Looked in American Eagle and I liked one pair of jeans. I never really like what they sell at PacSun, but it was no worse than anywhere else. Hollister was full of crap (but it usually is). I went into Guess...and I loved everything.
Unfortunately, I can't afford anything there. But if I had money.....ooooooooh!!! I loved it!
And here's the "It" Girl gossip from my point of view....
Now, ya'll know I looooove Lindsay Lohan. But dear God I hope she gets jail time. It might be the only way to get her the help she needs to live until I make it to Hollywood.
Britney Spears...I used to hope for a comeback from her, but it just seems like she is too far gone.
Paris a lying skanky hobag. She hasn't changed since jail. Who's shocked? Nobody.
Nicole Richie, darling, my second favorite....why have I not heard anything about you lately??? And why have I not heard more about the medical problem doctors were investigating, that was preventing you from gaining weight? (And before the skeptics jump in and say that problem was anorexia or cocaine or something, I'd like to point out that there are other medical problems that can prevent someone from gaining weight. Point in case, mine. So shove it.)
Lance Bass....are you kidding me? How does he get such hot boys??? Oh, right, famous.

Central PA Pride is this weekend. Unfortunately, I won't be there. But it sounds like it's going to be amazing, I so wish I could. Club XS is kicking the weekend off with a drag show featuring all the best drag queens from Baltimore, so that's hot.
The next morning there's the parade (and the protesters!!) and then there's the festival. There's a stage for all the drag kings and queens. This year they are actually bringing in some headliners -- Frenchie Davis for one!. Then, of course, Stallions is having a wild party. But Club XS is too -- and they're having DJ Seth Gold for theirs.
Agh, I wanna be there!! Alas, I can not.
you were forced to buy stuff even though you work there!? i thought they would like give some stuff for free!
Nope, we just get a rather large discount.
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