First of all: I've said this before, and I'll say it again. The Wild Party is the most "me" musical there is or has ever been.
Anyone who happens to be thinking something like "Gosh, I'd love to pre-order a CD right now", Darren Hayes' new CDs are coming out on August 25th. I will not be pre-ordering it. However, I may try to sway my parents or an aunt (my aunts enjoy spoiling me...most of my family does. I think this explains a lot) into doing so. Probably after I tell them about that speeding ticket from a few weeks ago. I should get on that, huh?
Anywho, I'm also trying to sway you into pre-ordering it. The faster he becomes a huge megastar in the US, the faster he does a concert here. The sooner he does a concert here, the sooner I can get a backstage pass and become fast friends with him -- and then have him sing at my wedding. See, it's all part of my ebil scheme.
His song "Step Into the Light" is on the July CD at Abercrombie & Fitch, and it makes my life complete.

I am ecstatic, ps, because I just found Roman Heart's Myspace. I sent him an add request. And a message which is something I will probably be embarrassed about for...y'know, the rest of my life. 20/20 hindsight, ya'know? On the other hand, I told him about my repeated failings to see him in person, so he may at least be amused by that. We can hope.

Okay, carry on.
Okay, on to Saturday....because I know you all are dying. Aside from my large (for Dark Lady) amount of tips, the party was sooooooo much fun. Spoon (my friend and the other dancer) and I had trouble finding Christmas themed stuff to wear, so I raided my family's Christmas tree decorations. Yes, we were decked out in garlands. He had managed to find a Santa hat and a red bowler (which I tried to wear, but, once more for the record: I am not a hat person. Especially not bright red bowlers.) I had a red bow tied onto my upper arm. It was pretty hot.

The party was a great success. Tons of fun. But it was five hours of dancing with no break (because I don't take breaks -- I'll stop dancing to wander around and talk to the crowd, but I don't rest or relax or stop moving ever), versus the usual three hours. So, obviously, we were beat by the end. And then we helped clean up. Which got us plenty of respect from everyone, although, two days later, my body still hates me. Oh well. Mutinies like this make the work day exciting. :-P
(The photo of me was taken by Bill Berggren of I.N. News Weekly. The other two pictures I found guessed it, Google Image Search!)
My aunts spoil me as well. I wonder if this explains things for me too.
I wish my life were 1/8th as exciting as yours!
Oh, everyone should live my life sometimes, Spider. :P
Francoism, it probably does explain things for you. I think aunts explain a lot more about everyone than anybody realizes. :P
You are so cute, you little elf!
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