So, I got hired at Dark Lady. It's very different from Club XS but also very similar. They schedule us on different nights, but I guess some of the dancers aren't totally reliable because I occassionally get calls on Monday that are like "Hey, come in. Tonight. Yeah, in like an hour would be great." Usually I'm scheduled for Saturday so....
The tips aren't great, we need to publicize the dancers more so we can get better tips. We're working on it.
Speaking of publicizing, and I acknowledge this is rather late if anyone reading this would be planning on going:

I have been working at A&F a lot too. Of course, that still leaves plenty of time to have fun. But working there can be quite the adventure too. For example, a woman was evangelizing at me the other day. At work. At Abercrombie & Fitch.
I mean, she started out normal, asking if I liked work, where I was from, my name, etc. Okay, so she was slightly creepy to start out with.
But when I revealed that I'm a city person and she irritably replied with "No you're not. This is God's country!" That's when it hit me: this woman is a religious nut and she's about to give me a message from God.
Now, I have nothing against people who want to spread the word of God. But there's a time, there's a place, and there's a way to do it. This woman had none of the three done correctly. In fact, she broke every rule I'm about to write out.
Graham's Helpful Tips for Evangelizing
- Do not interrupt a person who is working to tell them about God's love. You are getting in the way of their job, and no God, however happy and loving, is going to sound good when the manager writes up a person because you just couldn't keep the Good News to yourself.
- If you must evangelize when a person is working, do not stand in the way. Follow them around as they work, sure, but do not stand there making sure they can only be talking to you.
- If a person you are evangelizing too says something you disagree with, let it go. It might be a matter of opinion. You might be an evangelist, but you're not God, your opinion is not right. Do not tell them cities are bad. Do not tell them that the reason they like to stay busy is because they haven't realized God's love. And, most importantly, do not act like they couldn't possibly know that God loves them without hearing it from you first.
- Lastly, do not make assumptions about people. If someone says they enjoy going to nightclubs, and you run into them at work, this does not automatically make a person too busy. Do not assume that they have no time in between these two activities. That doesn't make you a messenger of God, it makes you an idiot. I'm just sayin'.

And here's a horrible picture of me at the Roxy...
I would've called a cop on the Nutjob-McJesus lady. I seriously wonder about those people. Glad you had a nice time out - and, that's not a bad picture.
I was thinking you looked kind of scary in the picture. You know, in an open a can of "whoop-ass" sort of way.
Perhaps this was a picture taken shortly after your run in with the do-gooder?
Oh yeah, have I ever told you I just looove Matt Damon?
Good to see you back mate.
Remember to get yourself publicised in your dancing. It will bring in those extra tips.
Hoping you will have a good week.
Kev in NZ
I cannot believe those crazy Jesus freak people harass you at work. Can't you just tell your supervisor to get rid of them? They must be so freaking desperate. Probably because I set my dogs on them.
Kathy Griffin's "My Life on the D List" is having a special here on Tues. at 10 PM on Bravo that includes her stint hosting Porno awards. Is that on there too?
Good too see your keeping yourself busy & working...Shame you had to be subjected to the verbal spewings of a God-Freak! I dont mind religion so long as it isn't rubbed in my face or discriminates our sexuality...Get Jiggy Boy & reap the rewards while your young!
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