I'm gonna start with the drama so you can get the amaaaaaaazing news to end the post.
The Michael stuff wasn't over Thursday night. I'm mean, it's all okay now, it's been dealt with and everyone is fine, but if I'm going to keep ya'll up to date you should know it happened.
So, Friday, Tyler and I talked about it more. I got him to agree to just be friends with Michael -- at least for now, until I move on more than I have. I also talked to Michael and he said he understood where I was coming from.
Saturday night we had the show, it was fantastic. Instead of going to the cast party, I went to American Eagle for work. We were there straight through til 6:00 am Sunday. We tried to go to the diner...we were too tired to chew, so we left after 20 minutes and I got home at 7:00 am and crashed.
I woke up at 3:00 am, logged onto Facebook and found at the very top of my newsfeed a comment from my friend Juli (who goes to school with me) to Michael. It said something along the lines of "It was great meeting you last night. I'm so glad you came up! I hope you can visit again soon."
Yes, Michael was on my campus and although there was no way I could have seen him, nobody told me. I flipped out. I called people to find out exactly what had happened, and then I called Tyler to bitch him out because from my perspective Michael had come up to see him in a boyfriendly kind of way. Keeping in mind that Michael had never suggested coming up to see me, so I was also seriously jealous as well. It was starting to seem like he really didn't want to be even friends with me -- and I said that to Michael as well.
Anyways, Ty, bless his soul, was able to calm me down. He told me they were just friends and he agreed that, in honor of them just being friends, that if Michael visited again or if he went to visit Michael they would let me know even if I wasn't invited or something. I mean, on a campus this small I'm going to find out anyways so why try to go behind my back, right?
As a side note, I've previously told Michael on more than one occassion that if I screw up he should tell me how I did so I can fix it or at least not repeat the same mistake with the next guy. (Which is wh I've told him more than once that I was playing it by ear off of him, and he should tell me where I stood (not in those exact words) so I'm going to continue trying to be his friend until he flat out tells me he doesn't want to. Though he's not doing a great job of reciprocating (he only talks to me via Myspace and/or if he knows I'm upset and it involves him, or that's how it seems) right now, I don't think he's against the idea of a friendship between us.
The point being, nobody ever really tells me why they suddenly stop being into me and this is a cycle that is no longer acceptable so I'm going to talk to other guys who've seemed interested and then suddenly or inexplicably moved on and find out why. If I'm as undateable as I seem to be, I gotta find out and fix it. That's my goal this week.
Anyways, absolutely everything's been talked about and we're fine and we shouldn't be having that drama any more! Yay!
So, because she met a guy when we went out to eat, Katie and I arranged a game night (it's a complex story, and it's hers, so I won't share it...unless she tells me tonight she wants me to, it's kind of cool so I hope she does :P). Amanda and Ty came over and we played Scene It: Disney. Then we watched The Next Best Thing.

The conversation in the movie is as such:
Doctor: "I like you a lot."
Robert: "I like you too."
Doctor: "But this will never work." It continues on with Robert being indecisive.
The conversation with Michael, as I remember it, was as such:
Me: "I like you a lot."
Michael: "I like you too."
Me: "It's too bad it won't work, I live to far away."
Michael: "It might."
Hate to say I called it, but....that was me, calling it.
Anyways, so I poured myself a cup of rum with a splash of Coke and got unwisely drunk (fortunately, nobody gave in to my urge to go commit delinquent behavior). As I drank said drink, Tyler talked to me about texts he and Michael were sending back and forth -- which I definitely appreciated. Definitely a step in the right direction. Even if it made me kind of wonder what happened to way back when Michael and I used to talk about the things that bothered him. Which then made me feel obsessive and pathetic, so I quickly pushed those thoughts to the side and contemplated what noises aluminum bats would make against those vandal proof mailboxes. Like I said, I was really urging for delinquent behavior. It wasn't good, but the others kept me from acting on those urges without much difficulty.
The amaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing news is, however, that I think I'm getting two roomies (one of whom is the fabulous Aubree of A&F fame :P) next year and we're getting a three bedroom apartment and the ones we're thinking of looking at are gorgeous and (hopefully) affordable! So, all in all, things are definitely looking up!
I've been absent tending to family dutes in Idaho for two weeks but I'm back now and looking forwward to catching up! Cheers.
oh sweetie you're just cluelesss
Oh, Anon...I know.
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