Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I Wanna Get to Know Ya But I Don't Know Who You Are

So, there's a diner near the apartment I have with Katie. We've been going there for a very long time. Most of the staff, at least the staff that is on after 9 pm, knows us.

Some time ago, while I was there with Amanda, Tyler, and Brighid, our waitress Tina pointed out another regular at the diner and told me he was bisexual. He was quite attractive, but I couldn't really make up my mind if I wanted to talk to him or not.
He (or someone at his table) whistled at me at one point, but I was never able to work up the nerve to talk to him. I did almost give him my phone number, but I chickened out.

So, tonight, Katie and I are getting ready to leave the diner and there he and his friends are. And we make eye contact. And there's this moment of recognition. And I smiled -- a little weakly, and he looked down. And I couldn't help but look back a few more times as we paid, but I just couldn't work up the balls to go over and talk to him.

As we walked through the parking lot, I looked up and saw him looking out the window from his booth. I smiled. I didn't go back in.

I've been thinking about it ever since. I always say I need to meet a guy outside of the club, that that will probably work out better. And yet, the one time I kinda do, I get all nervous and awkward and make an ass of myself. How fabulous am I?

Next time. Next time.

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