Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I only have two things to say tonight: first, my elbow is making massive amounts of progress recovering. Last night, I slept all night and did not need to take pain medication. I've even spent large portions of time today not high on pain meds.

Second, I am a fucking RETARD about boys. This diner guy, I saw him at the diner again and...I'm just stupid. I mean, nothing happened except I'm officially a creeper. But he's really, really good looking and I'm getting really, really nervous. I feel like having friends around isn't helping in the slightest.
I probably would have had more guts if I'd been high on pain meds at the time. I wasn't.

I probably would be less of a creeper if I hadn't been so high on pain meds last night when I had the brilliant idea of taking the little bit of info I have on him and trying to find him on Myspace. Which I believe I successfully did. And, of course, I messaged him the apology I'd like to make without actually explaining how I found him. Now I look seriously creepy.

I'm going to be single forever, but at least we know that the reason is my own social ineptitude. :P


Brad said...

Oh, Jeesuseffinchrist, just talk to him already, babe!

Sue said...

Glad to hear that your elbow is feeling better. Um, maybe you ought to just introduce yourself to this lad before he decides you ARE a retard for realsies.

B said...

GRAHAM!! I can't believe you myspace messaged you def look like a creeper. But maybe he will take it well and think its cute and if he doesn't, your excuse can always be "sorry, I was high on pain meds".

Anonymous said...

Don't I recall you on pain meds shouting something to a boy and all of his friends once?

It's probably...generally...a good yourself to people before you begin to apologize for...well...anything! ;)