Sunday, April 27, 2008

Thank Goodness I'm Scandalous

So The Diary of Anne Frank is over. It went extremely well.

It was followed almost immediately by my elbow surgery. At some point, I'm sure I'll be glad I opted for getting my arthritis dealt with. Right now...not so much. I'm in agony, I feel totally useless and while everyone's been super sympathetic, I wish I had a little more company when I'm just stuck in my apartment. Phone calls at the very least.
Anyhow....I've been glad because I've been extremely high on Percocet.
Amanda moved in for my recovery period. She's been great taking care of me, but I'm totally wearing on her by taking up so much of her time.

Tuesday I think I was at my highest. At one point, I was out on this grassy part of our campus we call the Dell, and I was being totally loud and obnoxious. While I was out there, I saw this boy who is totally beautiful. I mean, I'd seen him before (many, many times), but that's not the point. The point is, I was (am) high as a kite on pain meds.
So an hour later, I'm on Facebook being nostalgic and adding people from my high school, some of whom I never liked or even spoke to (I blame the meds) when this boy appears on that new "People You May Know" thing which has yet to show me anyone I would actually want to add for any reason. (Of course, as I say that, I switch over to Facebook and see someone I do know in that very same box...) Anyways, of course I decide to send him a message. Here's the message:
I just randomly saw your Facebook and thought I'd say hi since I just saw you out on the Dell. I probably wouldn't normally do this, but I'm totally high on pain meds and I'm really bored right now, so I'm kinda like "whatever" but this'll probably be one of those "seemed like a good idea at the time" decisions. Oh well.
So...hi! Hope I wasn't too obnoxious on the Dell for you and your friends!
Naturally, he didn't answer. So, of course, as predicted, I realized that was, honestly, stupid. I've spent much of the week panicking about he and his friends' reactions and trying to go up to him and apologize.
I realized last night that I should just let it go, so I have. Now it's just a funny story about me being high on Percocet.

We started physical therapy on sucked. A lot.
Also Thursday, Amanda's friend from MA Corey came for a visit. He's been talking to Tyler in a romantic sense, so he came to visit both of them (cause ain't nobody coming to Amish country from New England to visit one person). Corey was here all weekend (mostly with Tyler, though, actually). He came with me to see some staged readings on Thursday though, which was good because going to shows alone is kind of lame and it's also kind of scary to be a cripple and be all alone.

Friday was Day of Silence. I've never failed before, but....this year, I found myself alone and in desperate need of Percacet, and I can't medicate myself because I can't open anything. So, I had to speak.
I also realized I was going to run out of Percacet over the weekend, so I called the doctor. Of course, it's a Friday night and he's gone for the weekend so I get stuck with the bitchy and stupid nurse who tells me she will get me a pain medicine. She also makes an appointment to get my stitches out (and tells me quite firmly that I have only the one option).
So they call me an hour later to tell me my prescription has been sent out. My prescription for Vicodin. Now before you druggies get all excited, let's compared Percacet and Vicodin -- which I didn't do until today, actually.
Percacet is an upper. Vicodin is a downer.
Percacet is much stronger than Vicodin so...Vicodin only dulls the pain, Percacet gets rid of it.
Not so thrilled about this change in medication.

Anyways, this weekend was TGIS at our campus. That stands for Thank Goodness It's Spring -- at least, officially it does. Depending who you ask, it can also mean "Thank God I'm Smashed", "Thank God I'm Slutty" or -- in the case of the shirts a number of us got -- "Tanked. Gone. Intoxicated. Smashed." The school plans all kinds of activities and the students plan all kinds of parties. It is the most social weekend of the year, and the purpose of it -- in my opinion -- is to make new friends. I consider TGIS a total failure if I am not adding at least five people I met that weekend on Facebook afterwards.
I knew I wouldn't be able to drink, with my medication and all, so I was just...y'know, flying high all weekend. I let Amanda go do her own thing as much as she wanted, and I agreed to stay on campus, on her floor on Friday night.

So, Friday, after the comedy improv show that a bunch of us went to, I met up with Elissa and we went partying. (At the party we went to, btw, the gorgeous guy from my previous embarrassing story was there.) Elissa had been abroad ALL semester so it was great seeing her again. I met two of Elissa's best friends as well as one of their boyfriends and this gorgeous straight guy who, technically, I'd met before briefly -- he'd taught me about these delicious orange gummy candies.
Saturday was the TGIS carnival, which we went to for food. (Everyone goes, seriously.) Brighid's cousin came, she's fabulous, we hung out with her. Then we went to a baseball game which was fun til it started to rain. We had to flee from the water, because my stitches can't get wet. The most gorgeous couple I ever saw helped me get Amanda's jacket on. I didn't catch their names from them, but from others I've gathered that their names are Heather and Charlie. They're both completely beautiful and as far as I'm concerned, total saints. Seriously, if I was a sculptor and I had two arms, I'd make a statue of them and call it "Peter Wishes He was This Kickass Holy".
Saturday night, I went to hang out with the straight boys. There was not much going on, but we all hung out and as usual, I had a blast. Honestly, that whole group of people (not just the boys though, the girls in the group as well) are my favorite people to hang out with. So Amanda and I were with them all night and had a blast. I met a couple new guys to adore in the same sort of way that I adore like Jake and Andrew and Ryan and both Mikes (etc). I felt bad though, because I kept calling Bridger before we got there, and then I got so overwhelmed, I never actually saw him.
Afterwards, Amanda and I hit up the TGIS dance. It was a BLAST. After a while, I found a good place where people hardly ever bumped into me and danced there with Ashton, cause she was the one around and I'd decided other places on the floor were dangerous so I opted out of bringing my other friends to me there. I still got bumped like twice, but far less than before.
Ashton was amazed that I could dance the way I was, with only one arm (my arm has to be in a sling when I'm in public, you see) but it made me realize: going clubbing like that will not be so bad cause I still have all my moves -- just without my left arm.

Anyways, that was my weekend. Today's been dull -- except for the never ending pain in my elbow that the Vicodin can't get rid of. There was actually a fair amount of drama this weekend too, but I've been high and didn't really notice most of it. I guess it must not have had to do with me and/or been that important.


Brad said...

You should be careful being out in public with your tender elbow, under the influence of meds, babe.

You could be getting bumped and not realize it until the next day. Or the day after that.

I'm just sayin'.


Grahamburger said...

I know, Brad, you're right. But, at the same time, the world doesn't stop just cause I got my elbow operated on. Wish it did, but alas.

Sue said...

Ain't drugs grand??? Be careful of that hurtin' elbow G!

A Lewis said...

What??!! You're at the Day of Silence yelling "Percocet...Drugs....NOW!" That's not pretty.