As it turns out, I love it.
So, that's my accident.
So, the weekend I was predicting turned out to be a little more out-of-the ordinary than I thought it would.
So, Thursday morning Kat, Katie, and I went to Philly to pick up Katie's sister. Then, it was off to NYC to pick up more of her family. We met with Kat's boss at Punchline Magazine, an enterprise which I think has officially made her the most successful (career-wise) of my college friends to date. I mean, she just graduated and she has two paying gigs for e-zines. Bravo, bravo! (If you want to read her latest article, an interview with Jon Reep, you can see it here.)
Following that, we split up. Katie and Kat headed off to see the Colbert Report, for which they had V.I.P tickets. I headed off across Central Park to meet up with my friends Chris and David. We went to get coffee, and while we did that David got a phone call about a party that night. He asked if he could bring friends and they told him he could.
We'd all just been invited to an exclusive party by OUT Magazine at Saks Fifth Ave.

When we got off the elevator to the men's department, we were immediately greeted by two beautiful swimwear models. One handed us keychains (which I collect, so that won me over instantly!) and explained that on each keychain there was a combination and if that combination opened the lock on any of the boxes placed randomly throughout the store, you got all of the merchandise that was in the box. We tried all the boxes, but, alas, we did not manage to open any of them.
Chris and I, having been caught totally surprise and not having come straight from a job on Wallstreet (like David had) were terribly underdressed and despite our usual self-confidence I we were a little self-conscious around all of the beautiful models that were wandering around. I thought I was Jonathan Vargas (who seems to have dropped off the face of the earth) as we were leaving, I didn't say anything to him though.
Anyways, that was quite possibly the most exciting thing ever. EVER. I can't wait to do it again.
I met up with Kat, Katie, and Katie's family later that night. We finally made it back to Pennsylvania around 2 in the morning. I woke up, went to Physical Therapy, came back and went to packing.
Downside? I'd been left alone with Katie's crazy religious-nutcase uncle. There aren't any experiences more awkward than that -- especially since I'd asked that he not be in the apartment as much as possible but, uhm, I don't know what happened to that but it's over so whatevs.
Moving on...Friday night, Cody swung by and picked me up. We headed down to Brendan's place and once we got there, it wasn't long before Brendan took Cody, Adam, Jeff, Jason, and I to see the house he's getting and moving to. It's GORGEOUS and I'm totally doing all my laundry there. (Sorry, Brendan, you don't get any say in this matter. The Fates and I have decided without you. :P)
So, then we went back to Brendan's to meet up with the other Jeff and then it was down to Town. Town wasn't anything unusual except that I knew more people as I'd met so many people last weekend. I had a blast. Well before I was ready (but ain't that how it always goes? I say the clubs should all close at 5 am :P), we headed out.
I woke up bright and early, got dressed, and headed over to campus for the graduation ceremony. I watched with Stephan, and then I went back to the apartment to finish packing. Cody, bless him, came over and helped me move things over to the storage unit.
Katie and I went to the diner one last time together. The food was delicious, the ranch dressing was addictive, it was pretty much the usual.
I went out with my straight guy friends and Crystal one more time before Crystal truly departed for the cruel, harsh world of post-college life.
The next day I drove home to Rhode Island in driving rain all day. Nobody in the country knows how to drive in rain, so it was an especially miserable day. When I arrived at my parents' house, my elbow hurt and it was bright red. I paid no attention.
The next day, I woke up and went to my class. The professor informed us that, despite this being Chem 101, it was equivalent to an AP course and was designed for majors. I was all "Crap! I had to get this course pre-approved!" Long story of agonizing self-doubt cut short, I ended up dropping the course and adding a Biology to my fall schedule. No biggie. (Actually, huge biggie, but I'm trying not to think about it. :P)
Tuesday night, all of that school stuff behind me, Grace and I went out to karaoke, which was a blast. She and my friend Francis were the most popular singers there (which was cool, although other people who are not as naturally blessed in the vocal department and who were trying really hard and having a really good time were also really well received). It was generally awesome. And, of course, I got to see a bunch of my friends I hadn't seen yet.
It was the sort of night that a night out in Providence should be like, and I was psyched that I was home.
So, of course, I woke up the next morning with a fever of 102 degrees. My left arm was entirely swollen and bright red -- but I had sleeves on so we didn't know this yet. Still, we suspected my elbow was somehow infected.
So, off we went to the walk-in clinic down the street. And lo and behold, my elbow was infected. They took off the steri-strips, which were still on me because the nurse who had put them on had told me they would come off on their own and not to worry, giving me no time frame and no idea that I could take them off myself. And under these steri-strips; the source of my infection. That self-same nurse had left in a stitch! (Even though I'd asked her to double-check about that....stupid incompetent little bitch...)
So, I was put on antibiotics, including a burn cream (antibiotics that absorb through the skin). I've been holed up all week trying to get better so I can go out and do stuff. Now, I finally feel good again! But I still have a very splotchy, red arm.
Anyways, I should be able to go out again by Tuesday night. I'm keeping my fingers crossed because there is nothing like being stuck in my parents' house with no way out to drive me totally INSANE, right? :P

My goodness! I don't know if it makes me feel young or old reading your blog. But, I like it! hehehe
Hope you recover! Chemistry isn't all that bad! ;0
so, like i said, you should have let me take you stitches out, i would have covered it with gauze instead of steri strip because steri strip tugs at it as it comes off. stupid nurse. if i ever because i nurse ill be the smart one on staff. i'll help you with your bio next year if you want, im pretty good at bio. well, i hope i would be, lol.
...27 dresses is an amazing movie... so is prince caspian, go see it
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