And packing.
And packing.
And bringing stuff to my brand-spanking-new, awesome-deal, I'm-the-luckiest-guy-ever storage unit. (Well, I was lucky when I got it. Ten minutes later I had the worst cheeseburger ever, so I guess it evened out. :P As a side note, don't ever get food from a fast food place you see in KMart just because you're hungry. That may seem like common sense, but...okay, shut up.)
This is going to be a hectic weekend. Tomorrow we spend the day in NYC and hopefully we'll get back in time that I can go to XS for at least a little while and say good-bye to everyone there. Then on Friday, after (hopefully) finishing all my packing and such, I'll be heading down to DC for Town. Immediately after Town I will take off for PA and get back around 6am, take a quick nap, and go to Katie's graduation.
You'd think we'd be done then but then I have to help Katie finish packing her stuff away and hopefully find someone to get my bed, desk, and drawers over to the storage unit (unless that happens on Friday, which I hope everything but the bed will) and then I'm going to swing by my friend Crystal's graduation party, perhaps with Katie in tow. I won't be there long though because....
Sunday at roughly 9:30 am I'm embarking on my road trip to Rhode Island!
As you can see, it's going to be a fairly average weekend around here. Holy crap.

1 comment:
Okay, so what in the hell were you doing in K-Mart in the first place? Let alone eating a cheeseburger there. You're nuts, man. Totally nuts.
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